17 September 2019
We are excited to announce the postgrad CRI mini-symposium will be held NEXT THURSDAY, 26 September from 12-1pm. Visit us at the MAC club for this exciting mini showcase of PG cancer research. We will be joined by A/Prof Jane English, UCT's leading communications expert, who will adjudicate the presentations and provide handy tips for preparing oral and poster presentations.
See attached for the full advert. Please RSVP to amanda.edwards@uct.ac.za

11 September 2019
Upcoming event: Translational Research: Bridging the Gap between the Laboratory and the Clinic

30 May 2019
PG CRI Seminar Event: Testicular Cancer Awareness

28 March 2019
The CRI hosted another successful seminar event on 28 March 2019. Speaker Prof Stefan Barth from the Medical Biotechnology and Immunotherapy Unit presented on "Antibodies as Tools in Cancer." Dr Zainab Mohamed (Division of Radiation Oncology) and Dr Dharshnee Chetty (Division of Anatomical Pathology) responded providing for lively discussion and debate. Over 30 students, lecturers and UCT staff attended the seminar with 3 basic science and 3 clinical departments represented.

6 March 2019

8 February 2019

African women carry a high burden of cancer – early detection and treatment is critical
In South Africa, cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths among women while breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer. One in 26 women are at risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime, mostly presenting with late stage disease, which is associated with a poor prognosis. A unique feature of cancer cases in Africa are the high burden of cancers in women (56%), and late stage at which cancer is diagnosed (46% of breast cancer in South Africa is diagnosed at an advanced stage).
Click here to view the full media release
21 January 2019
South African Medical Research Council/ Gynaecological Cancer Research Centre Hosts Annual Research Indaba
The SAMRC/GCRC will be hosting their annual research indaba this Thursday, 24 January 2019 from 13h00 to 17h00. Cutting edge research from their comprehensive gynaecological cancer research centre will be presented by basic scientists, public health practitioners and clinicians.
Click here for the official event poster
Click here for the full programme of speakers
6 December 2018
CRI Database Seminar
Access the programme and presentations for the CRI database seminar held on 06 December 2018.
25 September 2018
Cancer in the Crosshairs at UCT
The UCT Research and Contracts Innovation Department recently released their 2018 edition of Innovation at UCT. This year the report profiles the numerous and exciting innovations happening at UCT in the fields of cancer research detection and treatment. The CRI is excited to see the diverse collaborations happening across the institution as researchers come together to address South Africa’s growing cancer burden.
Click here to download the full report
23 July 2018
CRI director receives prestigious AG Oettlé Memorial Award
The CRI is thrilled to announce that its director, Professor Jennifer Moodley, has been awarded the 2018 AG Oettlé Memorial Award from the Cancer Society of South African (CANSA). This award is in recognition for research excellence in the field of cancer and to acknowledge her contributions to cancer control in SA.The AG Oettlé Memorial Award is presented in remembrance of the late Dr Oettlé, a distinguished cancer researcher and epidemiologist who worked at the South African Institute for Medical Research in the 1960’s. Congratulations!
7 May 2018
CRI is growing!
CRI is pleased to announce that our team is growing. We welcome Mr Linda Mbuthini, our new full-time data administrator, who will be supporting the development of hospital-based cancer registries at the UCT/Groote Schuur/Red Cross Children’s Hospital academic complex.
Linda has a post-graduate diploma in Health Economics, a BSc in Health Promotion and is currently completing his MPH in Health Economics at UCT.
He has worked on various TB and HIV programmes and his interests include cancer surveillance, registration and data quality. In his previous project, Linda was responsible for generating and supporting a population-based cancer registry database that has produced high-quality cancer incidence data for the Eastern Cape.
We are thrilled to welcome Linda to the team!
17 Feb 2018
UCT FHS Cancer Research Symposium
Access presentations and podcast of the symposium held on 17 Feb 2018.
Other News
Cancer Research Symposium: access presentations and podcast - 27 Feb 2018
Prioritizing cancer: The UCT Cancer Research Symposium - 29 Jan 2018
Introducing Dr Henry Adeola - 1 May 2016
Professor Lynette Denny to receive IACR Medal of Honour - 8 Mar 2016
World Cancer Day 2016: We Can. I Can - 12 Feb 2016
Translational cancer research course: from bench-to-bedside and beyond - 9 Nov 2015
Welcome to Prof Stefan Barth, SARChI Chair in Cancer Biotechnology - 28 July 2015
Prof Michael Kew honoured with Lifetime Achievement Award from CANSA - 28 July 2015
World Cancer Day 2015: Not beyond us - 13 April 2015
Congratulations to Professor Denny & her team on being awarded a 5 year MRC Clinical Cancer Research Centre grant - 9 Feb 2015
Dr Karen Shires receives AstraZeneca funding for cancer research - 18 Nov 2014
New project: Improving the specificity of HPV Screen-and-Treat in South Africa - 18 Nov 2014
Incentivising Interdisciplinary Cancer Research Seed Funding Awards - 14 Oct 2014
Conversations with cancer researchers: toward building an integrated cancer research program - 17 April 2014
Building cancer research in the Faculty of Health Sciences - 4 Dec 2013
Past Events
Computational Big Data Analytics in the Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
30 August 2016
World Cancer Day 2016
6 February 2016
ICGEB-IUBMB Course “Translational Cancer Research”
12-16 October 2015
Cancer Research Seminar Series:
Not Beyond us: Cancer Genetics and Cancer Control
Jain speaks on her book
2 Sep 2014
CRI Seminar - Conversations with cancer researchers: toward building an integrated cancer research program
- 17 Apr 2014
Cancer Research Seminar to Mark World Cancer Day
- 12 Feb 2014
Research Professional Africa Cancer Group Introductory Seminar - 19th Feb 2014
Cancer research in FHS: Current situation and future plans
- 27 Nov 2013
World Cancer Day 2014 Presentations
HPV Campaign in the Western Cape: 2014
- Tracey Naledi
Introduction - Human Papillomavirus
- Anna-Lise Williamson
Cancer prevention through HPV vaccination in developing countries
- Lynette Denny