Research Funding Noticeboard
Wellcome: Discovery Awards Scheme
-Wellcome is soliciting applications for their Discovery Awards scheme from established researchers and teams from any discipline. Researchers who want to pursue bold and creative research ideas to deliver significant shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing are eligible to apply.  Successful applicants will be expected to actively promote a diverse, inclusive and supportive research environment within their team and across their organisation.  
Award details: 
Up to eight years of project expenses  Eligibility: 
Established researchers 
Download the PDF outlining UCT’s deadlines for internal approval.
Funder deadline:
08 April 2025
Wellcome: Career Development Awards
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CANSA: Research Grants
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BMGF: Global Grand Challenges
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UEC Research Equipment Call: Faculty-prioritised Large Equipment Grants
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Wellcome: Early-Career Awards
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NIHR: Global Health Research Development Awards Call Two
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Cancer Grand Challenges
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RSTMH: Early Career Grants Programme
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Spencer Foundation: Small Research Grants on Education
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Wellcome: Mental Health Award: Advancing target validation for novel mental health drug discovery
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2026 NRF Postdoctoral Grants