Reunions held in 2007: Physiotherapy 50th Anniversary
Date held: 6 - 7 July 2007

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Academic Meeting programme
Pain Management in Physiotherapy
Romy Parker - Pain Models and their influence on clinical practice.
Melisa Smuts - Experiences working in an Interdisciplinary Chronic Pain Management Programme.
Pam Hansford - A functional integrated approach to therapy in general and pain management in particular.
Victoria Madden - The Chronic Pain Management Programme at Groote Schuur Hospital.
Research in Physiotherapy: Educating for Evidence Based Practice
Dr. S. Ramklass, UKZN - Physiotherapy education in South Africa, current models and future planning.
Carol Cornell - Physiotherapy educational experience in the 1960’s
Steven Burton - Physiotherapy educational experience in 2006/7.
Janine Gray - Evidence based practice – what does it mean in the clinic.
Research in Physiotherapy: Linking education with practice
Prof de Weerdt - Collaborative Evaluation of Rehabilitation in Stroke across Europe.
Narina Gilder - Ethical considerations for the Physiotherapist.
Janeen Hughes - Using research to develop improved teaching and learning initiatives – examples of UCT strategies -
Soraya Maart - Health and Human Rights – what role Physiotherapy?
Report by Romy Parker - Lecturer, Division of Physiotherapy
In order to celebrate the 50th year of Physiotherapy at the University of Cape Town an alumni event was held on the 6th and 7th July, 2007. The events began with a tour of the Faculty of Health Sciences including the Student Learning Centre, the library, the physiotherapy clinical areas in Groote Schuur Hospital and the practical teaching venues used by the physiotherapy students.
The second day began with a very successful academic meeting: “50 Years of Physiotherapy: The Past; The Future”. Guest speakers included Prof de Weerdt from the Katholieke University, Leeuven in Belgium and Dr S Ramklass from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. A wide range of topics were presented with dynamic discussion and contributions coming from the floor.
The academic meeting was held in the well-equipped Institute for Infectious Diseases and Molecular Medicine. Tea and lunch breaks were catered for and all delegates enjoyed the breaks, as much for the excellent food, as for the opportunity to catch up with old friends and colleagues.
The climax of the day was a celebratory dinner held at the Mac Club in the Barnard Fuller building in the Faculty of Health Sciences. The Dean, Prof Marian Jacobs, joined the alumni and staff to propose a toast to the School of Physiotherapy before a fun evening got under way. Prof Harsha Kathard, the head of the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences welcomed all the guests and Prof Amosun (Head of Physiotherapy) thanked everyone for coming and for their contribution to the course and the profession over the years.
Alumni came from as far as the UK and the more far flung corners of South Africa to reconnect with their class mates and the school. Alumni from the first years to graduate were able to join us and reflect back on how the profession (and the world) has changed since those days. Recollections included the events surrounding the first heart transplant and social evenings – an aspect which the current students were able to echo.
A fun evening was had by all and many a comment was made about how much those who were unable to attend were missing out. We hope that the next time we are able to gather that more alumni will be able to join us. If you would like to arrange a smaller reunion event for your graduating year and would like a tour of the facilities, we would be happy to be involved. Special thanks must go to Joan Tuff in the alumni office for all her hard work in co-ordinating the events and Ms Gillian Ferguson for her assistance in final arrangements.