Research Overview
The Faculty of Health Sciences research enterprise aims to advance and encourage excellent research, in the context of the vision and mission of the Faculty and of the University of Cape Town. We lead research programmes that are innovative, relevant and transformative, train researchers of the future, and provide advice to health organisations around the world, with a view to enhancing individual, community and population health in South Africa and beyond.

Research at FHS
Our researchers are highly collaborative internationally and locally, and work closely with our partners on the health service platform of the Western Cape. The Faculty's research enterprise spans basic, clinical, public health and the allied health sciences, and houses many world-leading groups. Our researchers work across more than 30 University Research Committee accredited groupings as well as many additional research entities and initiatives. Their research is enabled through a range of support services, facilities and committees, and with pump-priming support from internal University and Faculty award schemes.
Our researchers proactively secure funding for their research through competitive grant opportunities from local and foreign agencies. They attract over 1000 research contracts a year, with the majority of our research funding from international sources. This contributes to the development of early-career researchers, with the Faculty being home to over 100 postdoctoral fellows and over 2500 postgraduate students each year. Our Health Sciences researchers disseminate their findings internationally, and together produce an average of around five peer-reviewed publications per day. The Faculty is committed to partnering with our supporters and our communities to advance health through research that is both excellent and relevant.