Class of 1974 - 40th Reunion | 22 - 23 November 2014

class of 1974 Sydney Reunion


Ten members of the Class of 1974, along with seven spouses/partners, celebrated the 40th anniversary of our graduation, in Sydney, Australia.

Those in attendance were Lynda Albertyn and Pat Gallasch; Jack Gassner, Jenny Gould, Ralph Levin, Rory and Annalies McCarthy, Roger and Patricia Pamphlett, Mark and Gillian Selikowitz, Malcolm and Michelle Smith, Sharon Stein and Steve Schach, Ivor and Julie Zetler

Our first event was dinner at the home of Sharon and Steve in Milsons Point.  Many of us had not seen each other since graduation, and there were many warm hugs and handshakes as we reunited.  We were delighted to note that we all came in on our own steam – no walkers or walking sticks, no pacemakers!  Following champagne and canapés on the balcony, we sat down to dinner and, as the meal progressed, we each spoke for 5-10 minutes about what we’ve been doing for the past 40 years, and how we arrived at our chosen paths in medicine.  These talks led to many interesting conversations and reminiscences, along with much laughter.  Amongst us were 2 radiologists (Lynda and Sharon), 2 paediatricians (Rory and Mark), 4 GPs (Jack, Jenny, Ralph and Ivor), 1 pathologist (Roger) and 1 anaesthetist (Malcolm).  We also paused for a moment to remember those classmates who are no longer with us, and shared fond memories of them as well.  And of course we raised our glasses in memory of dear Oom Daan – who could forget him?

The table was decorated with pincushion proteas, we drank South African wines and even had some South African chocolates to end the meal!  The evening went by in a flash and we were all so glad that we had lunch planned the next day at the Selikowitz's to continue what was clearly a fabulous reunion!

And so on Sunday,14 of us gathered at Mark and Jill’s home for lunch.  Unfortunately Jack, Jenny, and Ivor’s wife, Julie, weren’t able to make it.  Once again we shared the warmth of the previous evening and this time we went around the table sharing reminiscences of events that occurred during our training, some funny, some sad, all uplifting – we ran the gamut.  We spoke about our many teachers and how they had affected our lives and our careers and we all agreed that we had had the most wonderful training at UCT, that stood us in good stead for the years ahead.

As we blew out the candles on a “40th” cake, we agreed that we will continue to stay in touch, and that we will definitely do a 45th reunion!

Report by Sharon Stein