Health Science Students Council (HSSC) makes a noise

The Hierarchy Project, initiated by the Health Sciences Student Council, was created in response to the observed and experienced systemic discrimination against the Audiology, Occupational Therapy, Speech Language Pathology and Physiotherapy students (collectively known as Health & Rehabilitation students). This discrimination manifests itself in terms of resources, conducive space, respect and dignity, which negatively impacts on the ability to learn, and the sense of belonging experienced by Health and Rehabilitation students in our faculty.
To give students a voice, online platforms were created for students to contribute by signing a petition or sharing their experiences and stories. Excerpts of these stories were displayed on posters across the faculty. The full responses and petition (which over 250 students from all disciplines and years signed) were compiled into a report (View the report) that was handed over to the Dean at a student assembly on the 4th of October (View the minutes of the meeting) .
From the report and the meeting, it is clear that while there are actionable steps to be taken, the process of addressing the conceptual, systemic and attitudinal aspects of interdisciplinary hierarchy will require commitment from the entire faculty.
There are three questions which we must all ask ourselves. When have I been silent and apathetic? When have I been complicit? When have I perpetuated hierarchy?
The Hierarchy Project is the first step in addressing this issue while acknowledging that this extends far beyond the experiences of undergraduate students. The significance of these issues is that experiences of exclusion affects the wellbeing of students, the quality of care we provide for patients and ultimately the health of our nation.