Visionary leader Dr Bhavna Patel retires

Dear Staff and Student Colleagues
It is the end of an era. Farewell to Dr Bhavna Patel, CEO of Groote Schuur Hospital (GSH), as she embarks on her well-earned retirement on 1 February 2024. A UCT alumnus, Dr Patel graduated with a doctorate last year.
Dr Patel has been at the helm of GSH since 2013, elevating the hospital to an acclaimed quaternary health facility in the Western Cape, nationally and globally. Highly respected by the UCT community, Bhavna has built something of a legendary status especially amongst those on the joint UCT-Western Cape Government establishment.
Our Faculty of Health Sciences and GSH have a long-standing history of strong partnership in education of our undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as enabling research on the hospital’s platform. Dr Patel’s visionary tenure contributed to enhancing and refining this partnership through our shared commitment to excellence in healthcare. This shared commitment has resulted in a world-class hospital serving the most vulnerable in our society.
It has been a singular honour to work alongside Dr Patel. I met her in 2020 when hospitals were under enormous strain during the Covid-19 pandemic. I was struck by the calm dedication and innovative ways with which she led the hospital community, steering the delivery of quality care to extremely sick patients. Her support of her staff in times of great hardship will be part of the UCT-GSH story for generations.
Dr Patel, the Faculty of Health Sciences is deeply grateful for all that you have contributed to our teaching, research and health services. Sithi enkosi kakhulu. We wish you a refreshing time ahead, one filled with enrichment and joy amongst those you love during your retirement.
Kaise ke gangans
Associate Professor Lionel Green-Thompson
Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences