Welcoming you to the new academic year

Welcome to 2024! I hope you are feeling reinvigorated from time with loved ones during the holidays. I extend my special thanks to all staff who worked hard to care for our community and campus facilities throughout the holiday period. We are also supportive of those across our system who have been engaging with the many challenges brought on by budgetary constraints.
The new year always brings an opportunity to reflect on our progress and to look to what we want to accomplish in the months ahead. As we look to the new quarter and beyond, there is much to be excited about here at the Faculty of Health Sciences.
First, the fourth iteration of the annual UCT Bongani Mayosi Memorial Lecture will take place on Friday, 26 January 2024. Venue capacity has been reached, but you can join the live-stream of the lecture on the day. The lecture will be delivered by one of our own alumni, Dr Vuyane Mhlomi.
Second, the inaugural lecture series continues. The first one of this year will be held on Thursday, 1 February 2024, delivered by Professor Lebogang Ramma from the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. I know inaugural lectures are of great interest to many in our community and you can register for your in-person attendance here.
Third, we expect approximately 500 first-year students to register in the next few weeks. This is an opportunity to welcome fresh faces to our campus community and there will be events and programmes to help the newcomers feel comfortable. We also have an orientation for new parents on Saturday, 27 January 2024.
These are just a few of the exciting activities we have to look forward to at the Faculty this year. There are many more: from the launch of our Faculty song to our graduation ceremonies; to a Class of 1974 reunion to prize-giving to acknowledge our students’ triumphs. We will also continue the newly established exceeds awards recognition gatherings over tea.
Enkosi kakhulu to this community of staff and students that keeps our campus running.
Kaise kai gangans to the parents of our students, alumni and donors for your ongoing financial and moral support of our Faculty.
Baie dankie to our partners across the Western Cape Government both in health and other departments; the National Health Laboratory Service; and the many NGOs that we work with to educate and serve.
It is my prayer that 2024 is a year of engaging with, learning from and uplifting one another.
Kaise ke gangans
Associate Professor Lionel Green-Thompson
Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences