Appeal for donations to assist students in financial need for travel and emergencies

I am sure that you are aware that many students in the Faculty find themselves financially challenged when faced with emergencies or expenses they simply do not have the means to pay for. For many years, we have been appealing to the Faculty community and alumni for funds to assist such students. I am deeply grateful to those colleagues who have responded to this call or assisted students in their personal capacities.
There are three funds that we use to assist students in exceptional circumstances of distress or with no financial means, including for travel and other emergencies. As we start the new academic year, we are again appealing to our Faculty community and alumni to make a once-off or regular contribution to ensure that we have sufficient funds. All contributions matter.
Undergraduate Students’ Travel Assistance Fund
This fund is for low-income students to explore alternative means to finance their travel from home to the university and back home during and after the holiday period.
If you wish to donate to this fund, please find the banking details below and please indicate the reference as “SurnameUGTravel”.
Undergraduate Students in Distress Fund
This fund is designed to help vulnerable undergraduate students in emergency financial distress with complex financial difficulties. These include access to meals, temporary accommodation, urgent medication, additional counselling sessions, eye tests and the provision of spectacles to enable effective studying, toiletries, and home travel for emergencies such as the death of an immediate relative.
If you wish to donate to this fund, please find the banking details below and please indicate the reference as “SurnameUGSID”.
Postgraduate Students in Distress Fund
This newly established fund is designed to help vulnerable postgraduate students in emergency financial distress with complex financial difficulties. These include access to meals, temporary accommodation, urgent medication, counselling sessions, eye tests and the provision of spectacles to enable effective studying, toiletries, and home travel for emergencies such as the death of an immediate relative.
If you wish to donate to this fund, please find the banking details below and please indicate the reference as “SurnamePGSID”.
Here are the banking details for all three categories:
Account Name: UCT Donations Account
Bank Name: Standard Bank of South Africa
Bank Address: Riverside Centre, Main Road, Rondebosch, 7700, South Africa
Account Number: 07 152 2387
Branch Code: Rondebosch Branch, 025009
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Depending on the category you donated to, please use the above references.
Kindly send proof of payment to Nonkosi Malala ( so we can send you a personal note of gratitude as well as a tax certificate to trace and properly allocate your donation.
Students approach us when they are in desperate need and are extremely grateful when receiving assistance. It is heartwarming when we can provide this type of support to our students in times of great need.
If you donate and wish to remain anonymous, please accept our sincere appreciation.
Kaise ke gangans
Associate Professor Lionel Green-Thompson
Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences