Eligibility and Application process

The Faculty of Heath Sciences receives an exceptionally high volume of applications for a limited number of places. Most of the applications are of very high standard and thus the competition for places is significant. Meeting the minimum criteria is no guarantee for acceptance to study in your chosen programme

Please consult the Faculty of Health Sciences’ section of the UCT Undergraduate Prospectus pg 41–50 for extensive admission requirements.


Number of Places available in each programme:
Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB): 240
Bachelor of Science in Audiology:   37
Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy: 70
Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy: 70
Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology: 40
Higher Certificate in Disability Practice: 30
Advanced Diploma in Cosmetic Formulation Science 10


The Selection Process: 

The Faculty of Health Sciences Admissions committee will prioritize first choice applicants during the selection process. Applicants compete in selection categories as follows:

  • South African secondary school leavers
  • SADC applicants (international applicants) 
  • Applicants with tertiary results from UCT or other institutions.

The Dean may also allocate (within the intake targets) a small number of discretionary places, on merit, to (for example) the following categories of applicants:

  • Repeat applicants who meet the prescribed minimum criteria
  • Applicants with disabilities.  

Applications are considered on a continual basis from the time that the Faculty receives the first NBT results and applicants have uploaded at least one set of provisional school results (Grade11 final or Grade 12 Term 1, Term 2 and Term 3 results) or interim academic transcript.