UCT Inaugural Lecture: Professor Sithombo Maqungo

17:30 SAST
The University of Cape Town invites you to an inaugural lecture by Professor Sithombo Maqungo.
Topic: Been there, fixed that, presented there and published that. Is this all there is to the life of an academic trauma surgeon?
Cape Town sits at the epicentre of intentional violence, with a homicide rate 10 times the global average. Injuries can have lasting effects on our health, productivity, and well-being. Professor Sithombo Maqungo will be taking us through his experiences from the many hats he simultaneously wears; GSH trauma surgeon, UCT academic and fierce advocate for injury prevention.
The lecture will touch on the following:
As doctors in the clinical trenches, with all the information we have, do we have a moral obligation to get involved in injury prevention initiatives?
What can we do to enhance our impact beyond journal pages and operating theatres and contribute to safer communities?
About our speaker:
Professor Sithombo Maqungo is a distinguished figure in the field of orthopaedic trauma surgery, renowned for his expertise in trauma care and injury prevention. With an impressive array of qualifications and a wealth of experience, he has dedicated his career to advancing the practice of orthopaedic trauma surgery on both local and global scales. Prof Maqungo completed his medical degree, MBChB, at the then University of Natal before pursuing further specialisation in orthopaedic surgery. He attained his FC Ortho (SA) and MMed degrees at University of Cape Town. Prof Maqungo has also completed Trauma Fellowships at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, USA, and Hadassah Hebrew Hospital in Jerusalem, Israel, further enriching his expertise and global perspective in orthopaedic trauma care. This was followed by a stint as a Visiting Clinician at the Royal London Hospital in the UK. His thirst for knowledge and skill refinement led him to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professions Education, where he honed his abilities as both a practitioner and educator. At present, Prof Maqungo serves as the Head of the Orthopaedic Trauma Service at Groote Schuur Hospital and University of Cape Town. He also holds the position of Clinical Lead for Trauma Care and Injury Prevention within the Division of Global Surgery at UCT, reflecting his commitment to addressing public health challenges.
His academic output currently stands at 75 publications, 100 podium presentations and over 1000 citations. He has organised, chaired and given keynote lectures at numerous local and international congresses.
Prof Sithombo Maqungo has played pivotal roles in various organisations, including serving as current President of the Osteosynthesis and Trauma Care Foundation (OTC) South Africa Chapter and as Past President of the South African Orthopaedic Trauma Society. He is also a Board member of advocacy organisations GunFree South Africa and Childsafe.