The course will takes place over two consecutive Fridays.
Date: 3 & 4 June 2025 (Tuesday & Wednesday)
Venue: Faculty of Health Sciences campus
Time: 08h00 to 16h00
Course fee R 4,000 per person
Register Online
The course offers comprehensive practical training on dental odontology, such as description, history, medicolegal investigations.
This two-day contact course is designed to equip forensic practitioners and researchers with the knowledge and skills necessary to do human identification and victim identifications in mass incidents. Other areas covered will be the bite mark analysis and comparison and domestic violence and neglect.
Combining theoretical insights with mortuary sessions, this course offers an immersive learning experience tailored to individuals with a degree of prior knowledge of medicine and forensics. It is suitable for those who have a background in medicine and forensic science including persons with a medicolegal background.
Who should attend
Forensic Pathology Officers and postgraduate Forensic Science students
Entry requirements: Employed as a Forensic Pathology Officers or registered as a postgraduate forensic science student
Special requirements: It will be compulsory to fill in Indemnity forms by participants prior to entering the mortuary.
Protective wear will be provided in the mortuary.
Course Content:
Day 1:
Introduction to Forensic odontology, including history.
Health and safety briefing
Medicolegal investigations.
Age, sex and Race determination – practical and theory
Day 2:
Human identification - practical
Victim Identifications in Mass Fatality Incidents
Bitemark analysis and comparison
Domestic violence and neglect
Participants will:
• Develop a clear understanding of the challenges faced when dealing with human identification.
• Develop the candidate theory knowledge of the human identification (odontolgy) and medico legal aspects of it
• Perform various methods of identification in practice on a human body.
By the end of this course, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of , improve the practice of and establish and enhance standards for, and advance the speciality of forensic odontology, empowering them to engage with real-world forensic challenges with confidence.
A digital certificate of completion will be issued to participants who successfully complete the course.