Dates: 26 May 2025 to 27 June 2025
Venue: Groote Schuur Hospital
​Time: 08h00 to 16h00 

Course fee is R 8 000 (The fee includes the textbook, "Handbook of Dermatology for Primary Care - A Practical Guide to Diagnosis" 2nd edition by Saxe, Jessop and Todd)

CPD Points = 30 (1 Ethics point)

Register Online

Please note that places on the course are limited. Your application will be subject to a selection process, and you will be informed of the outcome of your application.

NB: Internet access via a computer or smart phone with Wi-Fi  is essential for the course.

This course is a 5-week course for Registered Medical Officers and Clinical Nurse Practitioners, covering the diagnosis, treatment and correct management of common skin conditions. It is offered by the Division of Dermatology to meet community driven demands for these dermatology services.

The programme starts with 1 week of face-to-face introductory tutorials and course work, followed by 3 weeks of online assignments to be completed while participants are in their workplace, supported by online contact with lecturing staff. The course ends with 1 week of face-to-face tutorials, revision and assessment.

Week 1: 26 to 30 May 2025 (face-to-face)
Week 2 to 4: Distance Learning Assignments
Week 5: 23 to 27 June 2025 (face-to-face)

Preference will be given to health practitioners working in primary care settings. It is expected that practitioners will return to their place of work during the course and much of the learning will be via support on a WhatsApp or UCT platform.

Course Content:

  • Language of dermatology
  • Diagnosis of common skin disorders
  • Management of common skin conditions and promotion of skin health
  • Recognition of life-threatening skin problems, requiring referral to specialist level of care
  • Interim care of patients with life-threatening skin disorders, awaiting transfer to a higher level of care (e.g. drug reactions and erythroderma)
  • Recognition of skin signs of serious systemic disorders such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and diabetes
  • Wound care
  • Occupation-related skin disorders- management and referral
  • Health Education and the application of topical treatment
  • The impact of skin disorders on the individual, the family and the community

The face-to-face weeks of the course will be held at Ward G23/ OPD H Floor New Groote Schuur Hospital from 08h00 to 16h00.

A digital certificate of completion and CPD points will be issued to participants on successful completion of the course.

For more information or to register email

Only participants registered for the course will be eligible to attend.