Date: 17 October 2023 to 19 October 2023
Venue: Online
Time: 09h00 to 16h00

Course fee is: R 3,800 per person

The course aims to develop levels of understanding and increase levels of consciousness about disability inclusion through highlighting the factors that enforce exclusionary practices (i.e. historicity, response to disabilities, systemic and attitudinal disablement; relational understanding of disability, cultural narratives; social constructions).

Who Should Attend?

Staff within higher education institutions and affiliates providing disability support to student with disabilities viz. disability unit staff, student funding, NSFAS.

Individuals involved with transformative mandates, human resource managers and officers, employee wellness officers, institutional policy developers; employment equity facilitators.

Course Outcomes

At the end of the course the student will demonstrate:

  1. To develop critical analysis of disability from micro to macro contexts.
  2. To explore disability as an issue of justice, diversity, transformation and belonging
  3. To get a better understanding of disability by interrogating one’s own narrative of disability and response to disability
  4. To understand disability inclusion from a broad systemic perspective
  5. Interrogate and identify personal, institutional, and systemic understandings and beliefs around disability  and gain knowledge and skills in how to manage and respond to these;
  6. Be able to implement practical strategies to help address issues of inclusion in learning and working contexts.

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to participants on successful completion of the course.

For more information or to register email: 

Only participants registered for the course will be eligible to attend.