Dates: 9 to 12 September 2024
Venue: Microsoft Teams / UCT's VULA e-Learning Platform
Time: 08h30 to 17h00
Course fees
R 3,000 Nurses and Allied South Africa and Africa
R 3,600 Registrars, UCT Staff, Community Service Medical Officers
R 4,800 Medical doctors South Africa
R 5,000 Medical doctors Africa
R 5,500 Participants outside Africa
CPD points 24 Units | Level 1 (1 ethics point)
NB: Please only make payment once you have received confirmation of placement.
This course introduces the principles and practice of the care of children who have long term and disabling conditions.
Participants in the multidisciplinary care team will receive an approach to this subject that is both theoretical and practical that they can build on in their practices. This course is developed and is presented by the Child Health Unit, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health.
Entry requirements: Health professionals in the following categories: medical doctors, professional nurses, social workers, allied health professionals, health service managers
Learning outcomes:
- Ability to identify and respond to the potential effects of the LTDC on children and their families
- Know how to apply the principles and concepts such as coordination, communication and continuity that underpin LTDC care.
- Improved practice in screening, and generic and condition-specific treatment approaches including palliative care
- Ability to use knowledge of school and community systems to optimize service delivery for children and adolescents with LTDC
- Understanding of the epidemiology of LTDCs in South Africa and Africa
Course content:
- Insights into the lived experiences of children with LTDCs and their families
- The non-categorical approach to LTDC care and international classification of function (ICF)
- Approaches to working out the incidence and prevalence of LTDCs to guide service delivery
- The organization of health and other services for children with LTDCs
- Practical approaches for the multi-disciplinary team to care for children and their families through the life course
A digital certificate of attendance will be issued to attendees and a certificate of completion will be issued to participants who successfully complete the course assessment.
For more course information email and