Please note: There will be NO online sessions during the Easter holidays 28 April to 4 May for this group

The Introduction to Palliative Care is a 10-week course presented on the UCT VULA online platform.

The course is aimed at healthcare and counselling professionals to equip them in assessing and managing patients (and their families) living with life-limiting and life-threatening illness, to improve their quality of life and support their families in providing care at home.

Entry requirements: Healthcare professionals with a Degree or Diploma in their discipline (professional nurses may have a Diploma; other healthcare professionals should have a degree, degree in social work or psychology).

The course consists of 8 modules, each module requires 4-5 hours of teaching and learning. Each module is covered in a 1-week period. During this period there will also be an online discussion, facilitated by a palliative care clinician.