The majority of the children admitted to our High Care trauma ward consist of children with a head injury, poly-traumatized children and children with orthopaedic injuries. We also admit a substantial number of children after non-accidental injuries, such as physical and sexual abuse. There has been an increase over the last decade in violence, unfortunately this also includes violence against children. We see sexually assaulted children and children with stab wounds and gunshot wounds every week.
The vast majority of our patient population are injured due to a fall (21 %). The second most common cause are injuries sustained during transport, of which motor vehicle accidents are the major cause (13 %). The third most common cause are accidents in and around the house (10 %), followed by burns (8 %), foreign bodies -ingested, aspirated in eye, nose, throat and ear and other funny places-, injuries with sharp objects and unfortunately, assaults (4 % each). Traditionally, we have a strong relation with child accident prevention, and we work closely together with the Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Southern Africa (Childsafe South Africa).