Dr Kristen Abrahams

Clinical Educator, Audiology


BSc speech-language pathology, UCT

MSc speech-language pathology, UCT

PhD speech-language pathology, UCT


Kristen is a postdoctoral research fellow and clinical educator in the Division of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Her current research interests centre around understanding how curriculum can support social justice and social inclusion.

Research Interests

Clinical education, decoloniality, community development, transdisciplinarity, social inclusion 


Abrahams, K., Kathard, H., Harty, M., & Pillay, M. (2019). Inequity and the professionalisation of speech-language pathology. Professions and Professionalism, 9(3). doi:10.7577/pp.3285

Abrahams, K., Kathard, H., Mostert, L., Walters, F. & Galvaan, R. (2018). Facilitating social inclusion through communication: How do speech- and language therapy students negotiate their transition into community practice? In P. Silbert, R. Galvaan & J. Clark, Partnerhisp in action: University-school-community (pp. 181-197)Cape Town: HSRC press.  

Abrahams, K., Harty, M., St. Louis, K. O., Thabane, L. & Kathard, H. (2016). Primary school teachers’ opinions and attitudes towards stuttering in two South African urban education districts. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 63(1). doi: 10.4102/sajcd.v63i1.157