Research Area |
Short Descriptor. |
Improving Quality of Life through Participation and Inclusion.
Occupational Justice, Advocacy and Agency (across the lifespan). Contextually Appropriate Interventions. Access to Opportunities and appropriate OT interventions/services. Disability Inclusion/Inclusive Practices. Community-based services/interventions. Community Integration. Early intervention(s). Disaster Management. Spirituality and Religion. Recovery and Addiction. Youth, Unemployment and Policy.
Improving the Quality of OT Practice.
Understanding Occupational Needs of vulnerable, marginalized and diverse groups in the South African context. Evidence-Based Practice. Contextually-Relevant Assessment tools. Collaborative Practice: Intersectoral collaboration, Interdisciplinary collaboration, collaboration with Service-Users, Caregivers and Families. Centering Humanizing Praxis. Critical Occupational Therapy Practice. Innovative Practice(s)
Improving the Quality of OT Education.
Co-creation of Knowledge with OT Service-users, OTs and OT Students. Professional Identity Development. Transdisciplinary Practice/Collaboration. Curriculum Development/Change. Decolonizing the curriculum. Contextually Relevant Teaching and Assessment Methods. Supported Education: Strategies for Success. Mental Health Student Support.
Enhancing Research Practices.
Innovating and critiquing research processes and methods.