We conduct inter- and transdisciplinary educational programmeshttp://www.dhrs.uct.ac.za on sustainable, disability-inclusive development, underpinned by the significance of African knowledge and African contexts. These programmes (link to Disability Studies) include teaching and supervision of postgraduate diplomas, masters and doctoral studies across professional disciplines and programmes. Our postgraduate students are from different countries on the AFRICAN CONTINENT. They therefore, apply their learning from theory, research and their unique, in-depth understanding of African contexts to create new and innovative thinking on disability inclusive practices across different sectors.
Through this work we continue to generate a body of knowledge on inclusive practices and policies by Africans for Africa, thus growing local and international networks of researchers and practitioners working on inclusivity.
I did both the M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Disability Studies. The programmes make students aware of the need for communities to include people with disabilities in activities, and encourages them to consider how to go about changing community perceptions and developing strategies to make this inclusion possible.
I also happen to be a quadriplegic paralysed from the shoulders down. Despite my tertiary qualifications, I struggle with regular employment. Through my work as a lecturer, I’ve learnt that when people with disabilities present and teach to students, it can go a long way towards changing their perceptions of disability and taking away their 'fear of the unknown' surrounding disability. This is a good start, but what is really needed is to include disability in the training curricula for all professions.”
- Dr Vic McKinney, Division of Disability Studies