The Division of Nursing & Midwifery at UCT is celebrating 85 years of excellence in the education and training of undergraduate and postgraduate nurses and midwives this year. We currently offer innovative, evidence-based postgraduate diploma, master’s and doctoral programmes aimed at preparing quality specialist nurse and midwife practitioners, leaders and researchers. We equip nurse and midwife specialists to provide safe and quality patient (whole person) and family-centred care responsive to local health care needs informed by the Primary Health Care (PHC) paradigm, the foundation of South Africa’s health care system. We prepare nurse and midwife specialists to work confidently with individuals, families and communities across the lifespan within South Africa and the African continent. We foster interdisciplinary collaboration through our structural positioning within the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, and through shared educational and research activities. We equip master’s and doctoral graduates to become competent nurse and midwife researchers and leaders through quality educational and rigorous research interventions.