We understand that many students find the transition to University a challenge. Living away from home for the first time, juggling studies and social life, and meeting the demands of a challenging programme of study can be difficult.

Students arrive at the university with very different backgrounds, experiences and expectations. Our role is to make all students feel welcome in an inclusive and nurturing environment.

In the Division, each year group has an Academic Advisor who meets regularly with students to support them through academic and personal challenges, and share in their successes. Students are able to make individual appointments with staff to discuss any issues or concerns. Where necessary, additional tutorials are arranged to support students who are experiencing difficulties with particular aspects of their work. The Faculty of Health Sciences also has a range of support activities in place including a mentoring programme, counselling sessions and regular social events.

Students who are not able to meet certain minimum academic requirements by the end of the first semester of the first year of study (i.e. mid-year) are required to transfer into an Intervention Programme, where they receive additional support. Students who pass through the Intervention Programme will take an additional year to complete the degree.