Ms Nomusa Ntinga

Job Title
Lecturer, Division of Physiotherapy
BSc Physiotherapy (UKZN)
MSc Physiotherapy in Cardiopulmonary (WITS)
Biographical Information
Miss Ntinga is our brilliant new academic with clinical experience in Paediatric physiotherapy. She has used her experience to inform policy using current evidence-based practices in her profession of paediatric physiotherapy. She is efficient in areas of academic involvement which is evident in her ability to articulate her professional scope to health specialists in the field and to the care of her patients. She is able to hold her own in the formative assessments of students and has imparted her professionalism and shown herself be a knowledgeable lecturer. Her passion for her role in education is expressing itself in research collaboration projects in evidence based in teaching and learning. She currently convenes PT first years, Movement Science course in first year and Applied physiotherapy course in second year. She is part of the social responsiveness committee for DHRS and the first year Orientation committee in FHS.
Research focus areas
- Paediatrics in Physiotherapy
- Health Sciences Education Professional Identity
- Intercultural Skills in Physiotherapists education
Current Research Projects
- Inter-cultural competency in Physiotherapy students
- Cerebral Palsy Intervention programmes in High Socio-economic versus low socio-economic areas
- Traumatic Brain Injury in the Paediatric Population, the sudden rise
Physiotherapists experiences of interactions with Inter-professional team members in the adult Intensive care unit setting. (2020)