Ms Michelle Hannington

Clinical Educator

My domain of practice is in the occupation of work, specifically the meaning and value of work within the South African context. A further research interest is in Health Professionals Education, specifically contextually relevant teaching and assessment methods, and the impact of this on students’ confidence. My Master’s research explored the occupational outcomes in TB spinal patients in Kwa-Zulu Natal. A key finding was the importance of a tailored treatment approach for TB spinal patients that considers the social factors that influence prognosis. 

My PhD is concerned with the development of valid assessment practice in occupational therapy education in South Africa. I hope the findings will inform a philosophy of assessment towards contextually relevant assessment methods and decision-making. 

BSc Occupational Therapy WITS
MSc Occupational Therapy (Neurosciences) WITS
PG Diploma Health Sciences Education UCT

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5935-8195