Professor Lebogang Ramma

Director & Head of Department of Health & Rehabilitation Sciences. Associate Professor, Audiology



Teaching area

Public Health

Teaching Courses

Speech & Hearing Sciences; Public Health Audiology

Research Area/focus

Prevention of acquired hearing loss & Hearing loss and HRQoL, Impact of acquired hearing loss on HRQoL

Research Interests

Public Health Audiology

  • Dimensions of access to health care as it relates to hearing health care (costs, quality and organisation of services)
  • Hearing Loss and Health-Related Quality of Health
  • Outcomes studies (Prevention & Rehabilitation) specific to  ototoxicity /ototoxic hearing loss


Member of PHASA; HPCSA


Google Scholar

Hlayisi, V. & Ramma, L. (2018). Rehabilitation for disabling hearing loss: evaluating the need relative to provision of hearing aids in the public health care system. Disability and rehabilitation, 1-4

Verstraete, J, Ramma, L, Jelsma, J. (2018). Influence of the child’s perceived general quality of health on the primary caregiver’s health status. Health and quality of life 16(1),8

Ramma, L & Sebothoma, L (2017). Exploring Factors Associated with a Higher Likelihood of Seeking Audiology services by Individuals with Hearing, JSM Communication Disorders 1 (1)

Vassall, Siapka, Foster, Cunnama, L Ramma, K Fielding, ... (2017). Cost-effectiveness of Xpert MTB/RIF for tuberculosis diagnosis in South Africa: a real-world cost analysis and economic evaluation. The Lancet Global Health 5 (7), e710-e719

Neethling, I., Jelsma, J., Ramma, L., Schneider, H. & Bradshaw, D. (2016) Disability weights from a household survey in a low socio-economic setting: how does it compare to the global burden of disease 2010 study? Global Health Action (9).

Spracklen,T.F., Vorster,A.A.,Ramma,L.,Dalvie, S. & Ramesar, R.S. (2016). Promoter region variation in NFE2L2 influences susceptibility to ototoxicity in patients exposed to high cumulative doses of cisplatin. The Pharmacogenomics Journal.

Cunnama, L, Sinanovic, E, Ramma, L, Foster, N, Berrie, L, Stevens, W et al (2016). Using Top‐down and Bottom‐up Costing Approaches in LMICs: The Case for Using Both to Assess the Incremental Costs of New Technologies at Scale. Health Economics. DOI:10.1002/hec.3295

Ramma, L & Sebothoma, B. (2016). The prevalence of hearing impairment within the Cape Town metropolitan area. South African Journal of Communication Sciences & Disorders, 63(1).

Ramma, L, Cox H, Wilkinson, L, Foster, N, Vassall, A & Sinanovic, E. (2015). Patient’s Costs Associated with Accessing and Seeking Treatment for Drug Resistant Tuberculosis in South Africa. International Journal of TB and Lung Diseases, 19(2), 1513-1519.

Cox, H, Ramma, L, Wilkinson, L, Azevedo, V & Sinanovic, E. (2015) Cost per patient of treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in a community-based program in Khayelitsha, South Africa. Tropical medicine and International Health. DOI: 10.1111/tmi.12544

Sinanovic, E, Ramma, L, Vassall, A, Azevedo, V, Wilkinson,L Norbert Ndjeka, N, McCarthy, K, Churchyard, G & Cox, H (2015). Impact of reduced hospitalisation on the cost of treatment for drug-resistant tuberculosis in South Africa. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, 19(2): 172-178.

Petersen, L & Ramma, L.(2015) Screening for childhood hearing impairment in resource-constrained settings: Opportunities and possibilities. South African Journal of Medicine. DOI: 10.7196/SAMJ.2015.v105i11.10082

Spracklen, T, Whitehorn, H, Vorster, A, Ramma, L, Dalvie, S & Ramesar, R. (2014). Genetic variation in Otos is associated with cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Pharmacogenomics, 15 (13), 1667-1676.

Whitehorn, Sibanda, Lacerda, Spracklen, Ramma, Dalvie & Ramesar (2014). High Prevalence of Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity in Cape Town, South African Medical Journal, 104(4).

Jelsma J, McKenzie J, Ramma L. Differences in subjective construction of Health-RelatedQuality of Life (as described by the EQ-5D) for adults and children. Lloyd A (Host): Proceedings of the 28th Scientific Meeting of the EuroQol Group, Oxford, 15-17 September, 2011.Published by EuroQol Group, Rotterdam, 2012. P113-133

Ibekwe, TS, Ramma, L & Chindo BA (2012). Management of sensorineural hearing loss: Potential role of stem cell. Journal of Laryngology & Otology, doi:10.1017

Ramma L, Ibekwe TS.(2012). Cochleo-vestibular clinical findings among drug resistant Tuberculosis Patients on therapy-a pilot study. Int Arch Med., 31;5(1):3.

Ramma, L & Ibekwe, T. (2012) Efficacy of utilizing patient self-report of auditory complaints to monitor aminoglycosides ototoxicity in a group of adults with drug-resistant TB. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 16(2), 283.

Kathard, H, Ramma, L, Pascoe, Jordaan, H, Moonsamy, S, Wium, A et al (2011). How can speech therapists and audiologists enhance language and literacy outcomes in South Africa? (And why we urgently need to). South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 58; 59-71.

Ramma, L. (2011) Vuvuzela media coverage during the 2010 FIFA soccer world cup tournament: Impact on raising awareness of noise-induced hearing loss. Noise & Health, 13(55), 415-423

Ramma, L, Petersen, L & Singh, S. (2011) Vuvuzelas at South African soccer matches: Risks for spectators’ hearing. Noise & Health, 13:71-75

Jelsma, J & Ramma, L. (2010).How do children at special schools and their parents perceive their Health-Related Quality of Life compared to their peers? Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 8:72

Ramma, L. (2009). Primary school teachers’ knowledge of the impact of poor classroom acoustics on speech perception and learning. South African. Journal of Communication Disorders, 56, 35-47.

Khoza, K., Ramma, L, Mophosho, M., & Moroka, D (2008). Speech Reception Threshold Testing in Second Language English Speakers in South Africa. South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 55; 26-39

Ramma, L. (2007). Rethinking our classrooms: assessment of background noise levels and reverberation in schools. Education as change11(2);115-130       

Ramma, L., Nhokwara, P., & Rogers, C. (2019). Statistical factors associated with utilisation of ototoxicity monitoring services for multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis patients in the Western Cape.  The South African Journal of Communication Disorders, 66, (1). ISSN: 0379-8046, E-ISSN: 2225-4765

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