
Paul Christian with Susan Ledger and Liz Tilley
Topic: Being part of history, being part of activism: Exploring the lives and experiences of Black people with learning disabilities.

Mr Waseem Hawa
Topic: Valkenberg Psychiatric Hospital's 2022 Suicide Prevention and Awareness Program: An example for Social Responsivity in Action

Associate Professor Simone Honikman

Ms Tyla Prinsloo
Topic: The Secret History Mobile Application (SHiMA) Feasibility study: using stories to address obstetric violence
Speakers: Prof Gail Wyatt, Prof Norweeta Milburn, and Prof Alison Hamilton

Topic: Mentoring to Dismantle Structural Racism
Speaker: Prof Gerhard Grobler

Topic: Caring for transgender youth – what we know and don't know
Speakers: Razaan Galiel & Nicola Hartzer

Topic: Easy-to-Read: The Golden standard for communication for and with persons with intellectual disability
Speaker: Marguerite Holtzhausen

Topic: Breaking the Cycle of Violence in the context of the work of The Trauma Centre
Speaker: Prof Petrus J de Vries

Topic: Towards socially responsive and contextually relevant research
Speaker: Prof Katherine Sorsdahl

Topic: Zooming into the Division of Public Mental Health at the University of Cape Town: Capacity building, research and social responsibility
Speaker: Dr Stacey- Leigh Lintnaar
Topic: High profile cases in Forensics: Sensationalised in the media, a burden to clinicians?
Speaker: Ms Bernadine Bachar

Topic: Mental health challenges of women survivors of domestic violence
Speaker: Prof John Joska

Topic: Research and Training in Behavioural Medicine: The Example of Ziphamandla?
Speaker: Prof Linda Theron

Topic: Youth resilience to structural violence is not a DIY job
Speaker: Mr Waseem Hawa
Topic: Child Criminal Capacity Assessment Service: Exploring the Complexity of Criminal Capacity in Children
Speaker: Professor Ă…sa Hammar

Topic: Are we giving enough attention to cognitive dimensions of serious mental illness? Implications for diagnosis, treatment and relapse
Speakers: Mrs Babalwa Tyabashe-Phume & Ms Siphesihle Zihlazi

Topic: Enabling People with Intellectual Disability to Self-Advocate
Speaker: Dr Scott Phelps
Topic: Brains, Dreams, and Battle Scenes: A History of Insight Turned Out
Speakers: Lori Lake & Sharon Kleintjes

Topic: Child and adolescent mental health: A catalyst for development
Speaker: Dr's Rene Nassen, Stella Mokitimi, Simphiwe Simelane

Topic: A proposal to strengthen Child and Adolescent Mental Health services in the Western Cape
Speaker: Cynthia Rayner

Topic: The Systems Work of Social Change: How to Harness Connection, Context, and Power to Cultivate Deep and Enduring
Speaker: Emeritus Professor Anwar Suleman Mall

Topic: The Gut-Brain Axis: in relation to its structure, function, mucus secretion and microbiota
Speaker: Valerie Sinason

Topic: Working with trauma in a country in trauma and a time of Covid: working through grief and loss to find resilience
Speaker: Prof Jonathan Campion
Topic: Public mental health: the case, challenges and opportunities
Speaker: Anusha Lachman

Topic: Infant Mental Health Practice & Education: Perspectives from South Africa
Speakers: Prof Soraya Seedat

Topic: Scars that run deep: Pervasive and pathogenic impact of trauma and PTSD
Speakers: Dan Stein and Peter Smith

Problems of Living: Perspectives from Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Cognitive-Affective Science
Speaker: Associate Prof Marc Hendricks

Topic: Caring for children, adolescents and their families with chronic life-threatening health conditions
Speakers: Marc Blockman, Jantina De Vries, Olivia Matshabane
Topic: Ethics in Mental Health Research
Speakers: Lisa Dannatt, Florencia Manns Fuenzalida, Vincent Zishiri
Topic: Drug use prevention and harm reduction among youth through peer-to-peer education
Speaker: Ingrid Daniels (CEO of Cape Mental Health)

Topic: Social welfare consequences of the COVID -19 pandemic and its impact on communities – finding some solutions
Speaker: Emeritus Prof Colleen Adnams

Topic: Intellectual and Developmental Disability: a current international outlook
Speaker: Prof Katherine Sorsdahl and Dr Claire van der Westhuizen
Topic: Capacity building in the Alan J. Flisher Centre for Public Mental Health: Our Past, Present & Future
Speaker: Dr Sumaya Mall
Topic: Analysis of Traumatic Events (TE) in Rural South Africa: intersections of epidemiology and community based research
Speaker: Prof Inge Petersen

Topic: Implementing and scaling up integrated primary mental health care in the real world: Experiences from the frontlines
Speaker: Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO Director General) and others
Speaker: Crick Lund

Topic: What Mental healthcare in South Africa should look like
Speaker: Professor Anthony Pillay, Prof Sean Kaliski, Dr Mo Nagdee, Dr Evah Mulutsi, Dr Peter Smith, Ms Sarah Ntaka, Justice VC Saldanah
Topic: Legal and Ethical concerns regarding people with Intellectual Disability and the law
Speaker: Dr Sean Baumann

Topic: Madness: Stories of uncertainty and hope
Short bio and overview of talk
Speakers: Prof Bronwyn Myers & Dr Lisa Dannatt
COVID-19 and The Treatment of Substance Use Disorders, International and Local Perspectives
Speaker: Janet Giddy
Topic: The 'unprecedented' pandemic - collateral damage
Speaker: Nasera Cader-Makoa
Topic: Telehealth/telepsychology - psychotherapy during and after COVID-19
Speaker: Prof Relebohile Molesane

Topic: Nothing about us without us? Ethical Dilemmas in Disseminating Participatory Research with Girls in the Context of Sexual Violence in Rural Communities
Speaker: Prof Lori Lake

Topic: South African Child Gauge 2019
Mental Health Aspects of the Covid-19 Crisis in Africa. Free Webinar
Speaker 1: Prof Chiwoza Bandawe
Topic: Coping with anxiety and stress related to Covid-19

Speaker 2: Prof Dixon Chibanda
Topic: Psychological and psychosocial care for people directly affected by Covid-19

Speaker 3: Jose Luis Ayuso-Mateos MD, PhD
Topic: Availability and provision of essential mental health services to allow continuity of care for those in need: Lessons from Spain

Speaker 4: Dr Simone Honikman
Topic: Messages for Mothers” and other mental health responses to COVID-19 for mothers in South Africa

Speaker: Dr Cole Goldberg
Topic: Life's about choices, exploring the everyday occupational choices of young adults with intellectual disability in a community context of South Africa
Speaker: Dr David Rosenstein

Topic: Introduction to CBT & Exposure Therapy and the Future of CBT and EBT
Speaker: Prof Asa Hammer

Topic: Impaired Memory after ECT - true or false?
Speaker: Prof Dixon Chibanda

Topic: The journey of the Friendship Bench: A move from research to implementation
Event: Harm Reduction
Dr Goodman Sibeko

Dr Andrew Scheibe

Mr Shaun Shelley

Ms Tara Gerardy

Dr Lize Weich

Mrs Shaheema Allie

Speaker: Dr Mariam Karjiker
Topic: Diverse models of success in academia
Speaker: Prof Shanaaz Mathews

Topic: Child death reviews - A multi-agency approach to strengthen
healthcare and protection for children
Overview of talk and short bio
Department Research day: Research Stories
Guest Speakers:
Associate Professor Laila Asmal
Topic: The Clinician Researcher and the Pursuit of Reward and Happiness

Dr Elona Toska
Topic: Researching Resourcefulness, Resilience and Risk: personal and professional trajectories in adolescent health research

Speaker: Prof Roshan Galvaan and Ms Liesl Peters

Topic: Revolutionising OT practice towards contextual relevance
Speaker: Prof Maretha de Jonge

Topic: Socially responsive research and care from the perspective of the orthopedagogy
Speaker: Dr Tony Sam George

Topic: Bridging gaps between mental health services and client outcomes in India: The challenge of access
Topic: Caring for Carers of Persons with Intellectual Disability
Speaker: Prof Stephen Rollnick

Topic: Motivational interviewing in practice: Substance Use Disorders, HIV and Mental Health
Speaker: Prof Laila Asmal

Topic: Rigidity, resilience and the self: Lessons I've learnt from Schizophrenia
Speaker: Prof Christer Allgulander

Topic: Telepsychiatry/Video-consultation in psychiatry - pro's and con's
Speaker: Prof Pim Cuijpers

Topic: Medication or Psychotherapy in the treatment of depression? Current evidence and public health implications
Speaker: Dr Adam Carrico
Topic: Targeting Neuroimmune Processes in Co-Occurring Methamphetamine Use and HIV
Speaker: Prof Lies Korevaar
Topic: Supported education for student with psychosocial disabilities
Speaker: Dr Jason Bantjes

Topic: Traditional healer talk about suicide and suicide prevention in South Africa
A/Prof Katherine Sorsdahl

Prof Bronwyn Myers

Dr Tracey Naledi

Topic: 'It's everyone's responsibility' - Integrating Mental Health Counselling into Chronic Disease Services
Speaker: Dr Tania Swart

Topic: Attachment styles in forensic populations and risk of recidivism
Speaker: Prof Jennifer Hawkins

Affect and Problems Assessing Decisional Capacity
Topic: Mental Health Advocacy Training
Speaker: Prof Petrus de Vries

Topic: From Bench to Bedside to Bonteheuwel - a journey with tuberous sclerosis-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND)
Speaker: Dr Gosia Lipinska
Topic: Do sleep difficulties in PTSD contribute to memory disruption and emotional dysregulation?
Speaker: Prof. L Simbayi
Topic: HIV related stigma and discrimination
in South Africa: Theory, research and practice
Speaker: Prof Willie Pienaar
Topic: Social media and the health care worker
Speaker: Dr Rizwana Roomaney
Topic: Psychosocial predictors of symptoms of depression in a sample of South African women diagnosed with endometriosis
Speaker: Dr Samantha Brooks
Topic: Repeat after me: working memory, prediction and the emergence of transient cognitive control in anorexia nervosa, versus substance use disorder for the benefit of therapeutic intervention
Speaker: Prof Katherine Sorsdahl & Marinda Roelofse

Topic: The Teachable Moment Programme: The Road from Research to Implementation
Speaker: Prof Jackie Hoare & Dr Nicole Phillips

Topic: The Cape Town Adolescent Antiretroviral Cohort (CTACC): Mental health, cognition and neuroimaging findings in HIV infected adolescents
Speaker: Dr Henk Temmingh

Topic: 'Addiction and psychosis: Epistemology, diagnosis and aspects
of treatment - preliminary findings from four studies conducted at
Valkenberg and further afield'.
Speaker: Prof Bunmi Olatunji

Topic: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Speaker: Dr Samantha Brooks
Topic: Repeat after me: working memory, prediction and the emergence
of transient cognitive control in anorexia nervosa vs substance use disorder
for the benefit of therapeutic intervention
Speaker: Dr John Parker

Topic: Climate change and mental health in South Africa - What can we expect?
What can we do?
Speaker: Associate Prof Catherine Ward & Inge Wessels

Topic: Implementing parenting programmes for violence prevention
in low- and middle income countries: the case of the
Sinovuyo Caring Families Programme for parents of children aged 2-9
Speaker: Prof Tuviah Zabow

Topic: Ethical and Legal issues of Psychiatry and the Media
Speaker: Dr Abdul Kader Domingo

Topic: An update on Cannabis and the Endocannabinoid System
Speaker: Dr Lena Jelinek

Topic: Metacognitive training: Administration and new results
Speaker: Dr Simon Howells

Topic: Wie's tjy en waarvan kom tjy:
Gangsterism in the post-apartheid milieu
Speaker: Prof Oye Gureje

Topic: Classification of Mental Disorders in the Contect of Global Mental Health
Speakers: Dr Lena Andersen, Dr Adele Marais, Corne Robertson
Topic: Psycho-therapy research in the HIV
Mental Health Research Unit
Facilitators: Prof Dan Stein, Prof Sharon Kleintjes, Dr John Parker
Topic: Transformation Conversations in the Dept. of Psychiatry and Mental Health: Next Steps
Speaker: Dr Jennifer Creek (international speaker)

Topic: Professional reasoning: applications in
mental health practices
Speaker: Gabriella Kelly

Topic: Contested notions of disablement and
deservingness in disability grant assessment in SA
Speaker: Dr Ashley Robbins

Topic: Reflections on my 51 years in clinical psycho-pharmacology
Speaker: Dr Faadiel Williams

Topic: Update and reflections from the
Division of Public Mental Health
Speaker: Prof Crick Lund

Topic: Findings from the Emerald study
Speaker: Prof Juliana Claassens

Topic: Resisting the Violence of Rape: The Role of Biblical Rape
Narratives in Transforming a Rape Culture
Speaker: Dr Gary Collins

Topic: New York court mandated outpatient behavioural treatment
Speaker: Dr Charlotte Capri

Topic: Residents’ voices raise implications for ethics of care
on adult psychiatric intellectual disability wards
Speaker: Michael Onah

Topic: Perinatal suicidal ideation and behaviour: Psychiatry
and adversity
Speaker: Prof Sean Kaliski

Topic: The Psychopath in SA: From Antihero to Zero
Speaker: Dr Deirdre Pieterse

Topic: Scars run deep: A review of factitious disorder
Speaker: Amanda Kottler
Topic: The psychology of being human:
Kohut's twinship studies
Speaker: Prof Rob Kaplan

Topic: Encephalitis Lethargica: Natures dangerous experiment
Speaker: Dr Eileen Thomas

Topic: Frozen - just let it go - a case discussion of pelvic
inflammatory disease and chronic pain
Speaker: Dr Lisa Dannatt
Topic: Defeating the Dragon: experiences from an
Opiate Substitution Treatment Service
Speaker: Dr Henk Temmingh
Topic: Psychosis and addiction moving from
evidence-synthesis to service development
Speaker: Dr Taryn van Niekerk
Topic: Social Representations of intimate partner violence and gender
in Cape Town
Speaker: A/Prof Sally Swartz

Topic: Homeless Wanderers: Movement and Mental Illness
in the Cape Colony in the nineteenth Century
Speaker: Prof Perminder Sachdev

Topic: Can we prevent dementia? Examining the evidence