Alexandra hospital offers both in- and outpatient services. Services are offered by a multidisciplinary team, with referrals taken from community settings and other service providers. Inpatient mental health services are provided for adults with intellectual disability and co-occurring psychiatric conditions or significant challenging behaviours which cannot be managed at home or on an outpatient basis (Inpatient services for children and adolescents are offered within the Intellectual Disability service at Lentegeur hospital).
Outpatient services are available at both hospitals across the lifespan, that is, for children, adolescents and adults with Intellectual disability.
The inpatient service aims to provide a stable, structured, predictable therapeutic environment though the provision of low arousal behavioural health support, psychiatric care, psychological, occupational health, social work and speech therapy services, and nursing care aimed at supporting the patient to return to their home or community care placement.
The multidisciplinary team conducts assessments to inform diagnostic clarification and treatment and care plans for a wide range of patients. Psychiatric care if offered to patients with high behavioural support needs due to acute psychiatric conditions and/or behavioural problems of an intensity which poses a level of risk to themselves or others which is not manageable in a community or other hospital setting. Psychosocial rehabilitation services are also available for patients with behavioural, adaptive and/or interpersonal challenges which will benefit from inpatient psychological, social and occupational health skills training to improve their living, learning, working and socialising capacities.
Inclusion of the family or carers in in- and outpatient treatment and support services are central to assist patients to transition back to their home or community care environment.