The Department participates extensively in the education of undergraduates studying medicine and allied professions, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy and nursing. Particular attention is paid during training to issues relevant to the South African context, where the bulk of mental health services must be delivered at a primary care level . A member of the Department, Dr Sean Baumann, is the editor of a widely-used textbook for undergraduate medical students.
PRY301W - Undergraduate Courses Psychiatry Course outline
This course, designed specifically for BSc Occupational Therapy III students, covers the following:
- definition, aetiology
- clinical signs and symptoms
- assessment and management
- cause and prognosis of the major psychiatric conditions as classified in the DSM IV classifications of psychiatric disorders
Mid-year tests: 15%
End of year: written three-hour Examination and oral
Psychiatry for fourth year MBChB students Course Outline
Twenty-two teaching sessions on specific subjects in Psychiatry.
A class test which counts for credit in the fifth year.
PRY500W - Psychiatry for fifth year MBChB students Course Outline
A full-time clinical block of five weeks for fifth year MB ChB students comprising approximately 50 hours of clinical clerking, 20 hours of clinical demonstrations and 40 hours of seminars on specific topics.
During the clinical block: A 120-minute examination paper comprising four essay-type questions; one case presentation and a 20-minute oral examination.
In November: A 1½ hour true/false examination; a graded oral examination. Unsatisfactory performance in the clinical block may require two weeks clinical block repeat as elective period.
PRY600W - Psychiatry for sixth year MBChB students Course outline
This is essentially a practical year with a full-time clinical block of four weeks (120 hours) of patient clerking under supervision in both in- and out-patient (community) settings.
During the block there is an evaluation of performance and at the end of the year there is a written and an oral examination.