Thank you for your interest in specialist/subspecialist training in the Division of Paediatrics in the School of Child and Adolescent Health. As a foreign National, you can only be accepted as a supernumerary (unpaid) registrar in our Department.
To be considered you need to have done at least 6 months in Paediatrics in a university or busy secondary hospital and have some skills in paediatric procedures.
The Specialist training programme runs for 4 years, during which time you would be working as a registrar doing the same work and the same overtime as those employed by the Government.
The Sub-specialist training programme runs for 2 years.
You would need to come fully funded by your Government or some organisation such as the WHO. The funding should include your salary, university fees, transport and accommodation. You should also be planning to return to your country on completing your studies.
In order for us to assess applications, please submit by email the following:
- Your full curriculum vitae, indicating your medical training and experience after qualifying as a doctor in your own country with particular reference to Paediatrics.
- Names and emails of 3 referees with whom you have recently worked.
- A letter of motivation in support of your application including where funding will be coming from.
Please email this information to:
Ms Melissa Solomons
Postgraduate Administrator
Division of Paediatric Medicine
At email address: