When preparing a research proposal, there are some differences between research project proposals for postgraduate degree purposes and submission to the FHS Postgraduate Office or study proposals for submission to one of the FHS Research Ethics Committees.

Research Proposals of Postgraduate Students for Submission to the FHS Postgraduate Office

Postgraduate students need to prepare a research proposal according to requirements of their division and submit the proposal to review for scientific rigour and merit. If their project involves research with human participants (e.g. healthy participants or patients), data from human participants, or research animals, the proposal needs also undergo ethics review and authorisation through the FHS Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) or Research Animal Ethics Committee (RAEC). Once the scientific and ethical review is completed, students need to submit their research proposal along with required forms to the FHS Postgraduate Office (PGO) for approval of the project by the Faculty.

The process is illustrated below (click on image to download pdf version).


Non-degree Research Proposals for Submission to a FHS Research Ethics Committee

For preparation of a proposal for a research study that involves human participants (e.g. healthy participants or patients), research animals, or data from human participants but is not undertaken for degree purposes, please follow the guidelines provided on the page "Ethics Applications".

Such research studies may be part of a research project funded through an external grant which are conducted by the grantholder as principal investigator or postdoctoral research fellows.