A/Prof Mosedi Namane selected as Lancet Commissioner

30 Sep 2020
30 Sep 2020

Associate Professor Sedi Namane in the Division of Family Medicine, has been selected as a Lancet commissioner on Primary Care Osteoarthritis from 2020 to 2022.  Sedi is one of 20 commissioners selected from around the world that are developing a transformational and strategic document on the need for novel approaches to the prevention, diagnosis and/or management of osteoarthritis.

The OA Commission (the product of their work) should include new empiric research that can help galvanise action of researchers, clinicians, policymakers, funders, healthcare planners and other stakeholders.

Sedi’s contribution to the group will be to bring perspective and experience as a primary health care practitioner who has experience in community rheumatology, as an academic and her skills in appraising research.

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