Welcome to the Division of Public Health Medicine

PHM Group

The practice of Public Health Medicine focuses on the delivery of population-oriented services aimed at promoting the health of communities, teaching in public health across disciplines and research to advance population health.

The Division of Public Health Medicine (PHM) coordinates the School’s contributions to undergraduate teaching in the medical and rehabilitation sciences in the faculty as well as the M Med specialisation programme in Public Health Medicine, which trains doctors as specialists in Public Health Medicine.

In terms of services, we have staff who are jointly appointed in the Health Department (Public Health Medicine specialists, registrars and other staff) and who provide technical support to the Provincial Health Department through the Health Impact Assessment Directorate and its related health department structures.  

The Division also supports a wide range of research aimed at advancing public health practice and public health capacity in the health system as well as having many collaborations with other research institutions, government and NGO services.

The Division is thus closely integrated into the service platform in the Western Cape through its postgraduate and undergraduate teaching, preparing students for the challenges of working in the South African health system, and through its teaching and its research.

Find more information about our staff, the courses we teach, the postgraduate students in our Division, our areas of research and service, upcoming events and links.


Becoming a Professional (BP) and Becoming a Health Professional (BHP) are foundation courses for students in the health professions and which aim to ground students in the appropriate ethical and professional approaches to practice.

Health in Context - MBChB Programme 4th Year Course

The Health in Context course is a 6-week course offered to University of Cape Town 4th year medical students to prepare future medical practitioners appropriately for working in our South African health system and to be responsive to the broader South African societal context. The course integrates public health, family medicine, palliative care, health promotion and child health. Using a combination of in class and in community sessions, the course introduces students to the practice of community-oriented primary care (COPC) through theoretical and experiential learning including a targeted intervention determined by the needs of a specific community. Applying the COPC approach, this course trains future doctors to: The COPC model links individual clinical care to the broader population-level determinants of health.

Medical Student Electives

The Division of Public Health Medicine is now offering medical students in their clinical years the opportunity to be exposed to an element of healthcare which is often only interacted with many years after graduating – that of Management in Medicine.

Students are offered either 2- or 4-week electives in Public Health Medicine, during which time they; interact with Medical and Nursing managers, Heads of Clinical Units and Heads of Departments, conduct Action Research studies on quality of care and process indicators, learn about Quality Improvement projects in multi-disciplinary teams and present their work at monthly business management meetings in the operating theatre complex and intensive care units at Groote Schuur Hospital. This allows students the invaluable experience of studying, analysing, and improving clinical process problems through research, process mapping, data analysis, presentation and eventually implementation of devised solutions.

Students also have opportunities to interact with Public Health Medicine Registrars and Consultants, to learn more about health systems, strategy, policy, data, analytics and advocacy work that they perform for the provincial government.  In the past year, five students have completed electives which have focused on the WHO Surgical Safety Checklist, Theatre Start Times, Surgical Site Infections and other Healthcare Association Infection reduction projects. Reviews from students have so far been positive, and further electives focusing on similar quality of care and sustainability in healthcare indicators are planned.

Although the content of the elective focuses on quality improvement and healthcare management methodology, the overall aim of the elective is to demonstrate career options in Public Health for medical doctors, and the relevance and importance of concepts taught in public health medicine to work performed both in the clinical and health systems spaces.

Further enquiries can be directed to: Shrikant.Peters@WesternCape.Gov.Za


The Master of Medicine in Public Health Medicine (MMed PHM) Programme is a specialist training programme over 4 years, in which registrars are placed with different health authorities to acquire practical skills in the field, and help to implement, manage, monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of different health services, systems and programmes.  Since 2000, more than 30 graduates in Public Health Medicine have completed the programme.  These graduates now work in government (35%), NGOs (23%), Universities (15%), in the private sector (12%) and as researchers (8%). 


The Division has three specialists, six registrars and one specialist scientist on the establishment of the Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Directorate of the Health Department of the Western Cape Government (WCG) Health Department in joint posts with the University. The Health Impact Assessment Directorate includes four sub-directorates (Epidemiology & Disease Surveillance, Programme Impact Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Health Research) involved in key Public Health functions to which joint staff are attached and where they provide technical support. Their work involved the full gamut of public health support within the Health Department, not only within the HIA Directorate but also to other Chief Directorates and Unit (such as Specialised Services, the Rural and Cape Metro Districts, sub-districts and hospitals) and to other key public health functions in the province. For example, joint staff provide support in the form of:

  • Health intelligence to support responses to COVID-19
  • Assisting in the implementation, analysis and write up of surveillance (e.g. mortality surveillance, PMTCT, diarrhoeal surveillance, vaccine coverage, etc);
  • Technical support for District Health Expenditure Reviews;
  • Evaluations of provincial health programmes;
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of programmes aimed at improving quality of health care;
  • Development of patient records to improve capture of key clinical and health utilisation data;
  • Database harmonization to improve public health intelligence;
  • Demographic modeling to improve health planning;

The Western Cape Burden of Disease Rapid Review was launched by the MEC for Health recently. Several staff in the School were involved in writing the report.

Burden of Disease Report 2019 

Burden of Disease A5 Booklet 2019

Burden of Disease Infographic 2019


The Public Health Medicine Division provides technical support to the public health functions in the Department of Health with a view to strengthening the delivery of high-quality, equitable and effective services, and promoting conditions, policies and behaviours for healthy living. Our brief is to build capacity amongst health professionals at under- and postgraduate levels, and in services in population-oriented skills so as to strengthen the public health intelligence available at all levels of the health system, including government, private sector and NGO sectors.

The area of Public Health Medicine practice is broad and the disciplines in public health embrace the measurement, behavioural, management and social sciences. Research in the division embraces studies in communicable and non-communicable disease, behaviour change, health promotion and disease prevention, community based services, health service improvements, human resource planning and management,  programme evaluation, surveillance, quality, upstream determinants of health and research translation. Staff are involved in  operations research projects in the areas of tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, immunization and STI's, analyses of HIV cohorts, demographic health analysis, studies of migration trends and impacts on health services, mortality analysis and surveillance, public health orientated reproductive health research, human rights and public health, public health ethics, farm worker health, prevention of alcohol related harms and the health hazards of pesticides, research into health sciences education, and research into health sciences education. A recent focus has been work on data harmonization and curatorship of patient level data for public health planning, as well as investigating the process of research translation.

Managing Conflict of Interest in Health Research in Africa:  Research is key to promoting and improving health and preventing disease. Resource-poor areas, such as  in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, benefit from collaborative research partnerships between clinicians/researchers and industry. But the scientific rigour and research integrity of such collaborations need to be preserved, and the research partnerships need to be protected from threats such as conflicts of interest. Science Councils, and Research Ethics Committees (RECs) play key roles in sustaining science and health research, and are eminently positioned to identify, prevent or manage conflicts of interest. Yet, in sub-Saharan Africa, evidence indicates a need for such institutions to increase their capacity to manage conflicts of interest. UCT, in partnership with researchers in Kenya, Cameroon, Lebanon and elsewhere in South Africa, is steering a project to develop materials in the form of a toolkit and online course that will assist organisations in identifying and addressing conflicts of interest.

Table: Institutional guidelines from selected Research Ethics Committees and Science Granting Councils in Sub-Saharan African countries: Identifying and managing common conflicts of interest in health research. This Table summarises guidelines, from selected Research Ethics Committees and Science Granting Councils in SSA, to address conflicts of interest in health research.


The Division has strong links with other programmes training registrars in Public Health Medicine in South Africa as well as supporting the Public Health Association of South Africa. It is actively engaged in facilitating the contribution of Public Health Medicine to the important policy re-engineering initiatives aimed at improving universal access to health care and addressing the burden of disease in South Africa.


Leslie London, Professor and Head of Division








Email:  Leslie.London@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 406 6524


Leslie London is a public health specialist with an interest in human rights, public health ethics, farm worker health, prevention of alcohol related harms and the health hazards of pesticides. He is the head of the Division of Public Health Medicine, leads the Health and Human Rights programme and is an active researcher in the Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Research.  He provides technical support to the provincial XDR TB panel and to the public health functions of the Health Impact Assessment Directorate in the Health Department.

Andrew Boulle, Professor








Email:  Andrew.Boulle@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 406 6715


Andrew Boulle is a Public Health Medicine specialist with the Western Cape Provincial Department of Health and Professor of Public Health Medicine at the University of Cape Town.  His research has predominantly addressed operational and clinical questions related to HIV service provision, often through analyses of HIV cohorts or population-based analyses.  A further focus is context-appropriate information systems development in health care and the use and harmonisation of person-level health data for service and patient benefit.  He currently provides oversight for the Provincial Health Data Centre in the Provincial Department of Health and leads the African Health Information Exchange consortium which brings together organisations working on interoperability and technical solutions in support of services for HIV and tuberculosis.

Research Groups

Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (CIDER)
Wellcome Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Africa (CIDRI-Africa)
Health Intelligence Initiative (HII)


Public Health Medicine specialist training
MBChB - Public Health undergraduate teaching semesters 3 and 4
MPH - Infectious Disease Epidemiology
PhD, MMed and MPH supervision

Mary-Ann Davies, Professor and Director: Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (CIDER)







Email:  Mary-Ann.Davies@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 406 6051


Mary-Ann Davies is a Public Health Medicine Specialist and Paediatric Clinical Epidemiologist at the University of Cape Town, where she is Director of the Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research (CIDER). She convenes the MPH module on Infectious Disease Epidemiology. She is joint Principal Investigator of IeDEA Southern Africa, together with Matthias Egger from the University of Bern in Switzerland. Here major research interests are paediatric HIV treatment and prevention, especially HIV cohort research to address key policy and implementation questions.

Tracey Naledi, Associate Professor

Tracey Naledi

Tracey Naledi is an Associate Professor of Public Health Medicine and the Deputy Dean: Social Accountability and Health Systems at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town. Tracey has held technical & management positions in Government and NGO sectors in South Africa and Botswana. Her work includes the translation of research into policy and practice, addressing health inequity and strengthening systems for health. Tracey is the Founding Chairperson of Tekano, Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity in South Africa, Chairperson of SHAWCO and the Children’s Institute, a Board Member of the Global Brain Health Institute and the South African Medical Research Council. Tracey is a Discovery Foundation Fellow and the Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation Fellow.

James Irlam, Senior Lecturer








Phone:  021 406 6377

Teaching & Research Fields
Evidence-based practice / Primary health care / Climate change and environmental health / Sustainable development / Rural health

Nisha Jacob, Senior Lecturer






Email:  Nisha.Jacob@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 650 1084


Dr Nisha Jacob is a Public Health Physician in the Division of Public Health Medicine. She attained her medical degree (MBChB) from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2008. She has worked in the Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces of South Africa in clinical, managerial and research settings. In 2016, she obtained her Fellowship in Public Health Medicine from the Colleges of Medicine South Africa and also obtained her Masters in Medicine (M.Med - Public Health Medicine) from UCT.  She currently convenes the 4th year MBChB Health in Context course and chairs the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee for the UCT School of Public Health. Her research is based at the Centre for Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Research (CIDER) and centres around evaluating programmatic, child and maternal health outcomes of antiretroviral use in pregnancy, as well strengthening health surveillance in the Western Cape province using routine data sources. She is also involved in post-graduate training and mentorship. Her other academic interests include non-communicable diseases, child health and health professionals’ education.

Ntsiki Mapukata, Senior Lecturer








Email:  Ntsiki.Mapukata@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 406 6710


Ntsiki qualified as a cytotechnologist in 1989 and worked in the State Pathology Laboratory in Umtata until February 1998. Since then, she has been working in higher education institutions at DUT (December 2004); Wits Division of Rural Health (December 2016); Wits: Office of Student Support (March 2019).

As a convenor of the Becoming a Health Professional course, she hopes to continue to explore her broader research interests on health sciences students’ engagement with the education system. Ntsiki obtained a PhD in Public Health from Wits University. Her study explored the influence of habitus on professionalization of health sciences students of rural origin. Ntsiki is a co-investigator on a Wits-based project that seeks to understand the transition, university experiences and success factors of students from less privileged communities.

Feroza Amien, Lecturer









Email:  Feroza.Amien@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 406 6221

Feroza Amien is a Dental Public Health Specialist with a focus on inter-professional educational issues which includes incorporating  necessary oral health curricula into the relevant health professions. Feroza also has a keen interest in medical education and Problem-based Learning (PBL) in particular.  In 2010 she attended an advanced course in PBL at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. Whilst there, Feroza conducted a film project about PBL facilitator development in different countries.  For more information on the latter, click here

In the spirit of inter-professionalism, Feroza has joined the SHAWCO (Student’s Health and Wellness Centres Organization) paediatric clinics where she offer free oral health screenings to patients.

Ishaaq Datay, Lecturer






Email:  Ishaaq.Datay@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 650 2882

Teaching & Research Fields
Health promotion / Primary health care / Predictors of virologic treatment failure to HAART / Community based health care / HIV/AIDS and sexuality / Child infectious diseases / Prisons and rehabilitation / Organ transplantation in Muslim community / Diabetes in Muslim community / Bio-psycho-social-spiritual model of healthcare / Health care for all.

Siwe Toto, Lecturer







Phone: 021 650 4485

Siwe Toto is an Occupational Therapist at the University of Cape Town, where he works as a lecturer in the School of Public Health. His main responsibility is convening a course called 'Becoming a Professional,' designed specifically for first-year health sciences students. Siwe's research interests revolve around the philosophy of -, discourse of-, and rhetoric of the occupational therapy profession and the discipline of occupational science, with a particular emphasis on perspectives from the global south. Additionally, he is devoted to exploring decoloniality within health sciences and primary health care. Apart from his professional pursuits, Siwe has a deep passion for outdoor activities like hiking, running, and walking, which he incorporates into his occupational therapy practice by offering therapeutic hikes to individuals (and students) in need.

Senior Lecturer Part-time

Kerrin Begg, Deputy Dean: Joint Faculty-Dept appointment

Lecturer Part-time

Reno Morar

Senior Research Officers

Emma Kalk
Ushma Mehta

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Hanne Haricharan

Medical Natural Scientist

Nesbert Zinyakatira






Email:  nesbert.zinyakatira@uct.ac.za

Phone:  021 650 1664


Nesbert Zinyakatira is a Demographer/Epidemiologist with the Western Cape Department of Health and School of Public Health at the University of Cape Town. His areas of research include HIV associated TB, demographic health analysis, population projections, migration trends and impacts on health services, mortality analysis and surveillance, data harmonization and curatorship of patient level data as well as analysis of health data in the public health sector. He is also involved in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in Demography and Biostatistics.

Emeritus Associate Professors

David Coetzee



Virginia Zweigenthal






Email:  Virginia.Zweigenthal@uct.ac.za



Virginia Zweigenthal is a public health medicine specialist with an interest in both undergraduate and postgraduate public health education that prepares practitioners for practice in complex work environments.  She is interested in research translation - the impact of research on services and the involvement of service providers in research. Virginia has an interest in public health orientated reproductive health and HIV research.

Honorary Adjunct Associate Professor

Rosemary Foster

Honorary Professors

Richard Matzopoulos








Richard Matzopoulos is a Chief Specialist Scientist and Co-Director of the South African Medical Research Council’s Burden of Disease Research Unit and an Honorary Professor at the University of Cape Town’s Division of Public Health Medicine, where he co-ordinates its Violence and Injury Research programme. His research centres on measuring the health and social burden of violence and injury, and evaluating interventions and policies that target upstream determinants. He advises the Western Cape Government on alcohol harm reduction, and interpersonal violence and injury prevention and surveillance. He is a South African focal point for the international Violence Prevention Alliance and a Member of the International Collaborative Effort on Injury Statistics and Methods. 

Neo Morojele

Honorary Associate Professor

Tolullah Oni









Tolu Oni (ORCID ID) is a Public Health Physician Scientist and urban epidemiologist, joint lead of the University of Cambridge MRC Epidemiology Unit Global Diet and Activity Research programme, and Honorary Associate Professor in Public Health at the University of Cape Town.

She leads the Research Initiative for Cities Health and Equity (RICHE|Africa), an urban health group focused on building intersectoral systems for health as well as prevention of infectious and non-communicable disease multimorbidity in the context of epidemiological transition. RICHE|Africa is thus a collaborative of transdisciplinary science, policy and societal actors, generating evidence to support development and implementation of healthy public policies in cities, and identifying creative strategies to address complex urban population health challenges in rapidly growing cities.

Recent and ongoing projects led by A/Prof Oni include:

  • Intersectoral Action for Health: Integrating Health into Human Settlements Policy in Cape Town, South Africa and Douala, Cameroon (funded by LIRA) 2018-2020
  • Informal Appropriation of Public Spaces for Leisure Physical Activity in Lagos, Nigeria and Yaoundé, Cameroon (funded by the British Academy) 2019-2021
  • Epidemiology of NCD and NCD risk factors in HIV-positive adolescents in Cape Town (funded by Bristol Myers Squibb foundation) 2017-2020
  • Investigating the effectiveness of models of HIV/ NCD integrated care in Cape Town (funded by Wellcome Trust) 2015-2018

Honorary Senior Lecturers

Eric Goemaere
Sizulu Moyo
David Pienaar

Honorary Lecturers

Glynis Denicker
Ziyanda Mgugudo-Sello
Erna Morden
Vincent Shaw
Shrikant Peters

Honorary Research Associates

Tali Cassidy
Nadine Harker-Burnhams
Joanne McLoughlin
Chris Seebregts

Visiting Professors

Fons Coomans
Thomas Rhele
Stuart Whittaker


Natacha Berkowitz
Jessica Gammon
Mehreen Hunter
Hannah Hussey
Muzzammil Ismail
Maria José
Haroon Moolla
Thato Mosidi
Vanessa Mudaly
Linda Mureithi
Gugu Ngubane
Yamanya Tembo
Mpho Tlali
Arné von Delft

Administrative Staff

Name Description Email Telephone No
Keith Flandorp Undergraduate Administrative Officer & Divisional Administrator 021 406 6710
Dominique Adams 4th Year Undergraduate Administrative Officer 021 650 5789
Sharon Ferguson Postgraduate Administrator: MMed Programme 021 650 4765


Public Health Medicine










London LHimonga C, Fick N, Stuttaford M. Social solidarity and the right to health: essential elements for people-centred health systemsHealth Policy and Planning 2015; 30: 938–945.



  • Strecker M, Stutafford M, London L. Health rights pamphlets: critical literacy and inclusive citizenship, South Africa. Health Promotion International 2014; 29(2): 339-348.
  • Saban A, Flisher A, Laubscher R, London L, Morojele N. The association between psychopathology and substance use: adolescent and young adult substance users in inpatient treatment in Cape Town, South Africa. Pan Afr Med J. 2014;17(Supp 1):8.
  • Saban A, Flisher A, Grimsrud A, Morojele N, London L, Williams DR, Stein DJ. The association between substance use and common mental disorders in young adults: results from the South African Stress and Health (SASH) Survey. Pan Afr Med J. 2014;17(Supp 1):11.
  • London L, Naledi T, Petros S. Health research in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: Lessons and challenges. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2014; 6(1), Art. #698, 7 pages.
  • Bowers Y, Rendall-Mkosi K, Davids A, Nel E, Jacobs N, London L. Liquor outlet density, deprivation and implications for foetal alcohol syndrome prevention in the Bergriver municipality in the Western Cape, South Africa. South African Geographical Journal 2014 96; 2: 153–165.



  • Haricharan HJH, Heap M, Coomans F, London L. Can we talk about the right to health care without language? A critique of key international human rights law, based on the consequences experienced by a Deaf woman in Cape Town, South Africa. Disability and Society 2013; 28(1): 54-66.
  • Saban A, Flisher AJ, Laubscher R, Morojele NK, London L. Comorbid Psychopathology, Substance Use, and Treatment Outcomes: A Follow-Up of Inpatient Substance Users in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Groups in Addiction & Recovery. 2013; 8(3): 200-223.
  • Rendall-Mkosi K, Morojele N, London L, Moodley S, Singh C, Girdler-Brown B. A randomised controlled trial of motivational interviewing to prevent risk for an alcohol exposed pregnancy in the Western Cape, South Africa. Addiction 2013; 108(4): 725-732.
  • Haynes L, Legge D, London L, McCoy D, Sanders D, Schuftan C.  Will the struggle for health equity and social justice be best served by a Framework Convention on Global Health? Health and Human Rights 2013; 15(1): 111-116.
  • McLoughlin J, Little F, Mazok C, Parry C, London L. The prevalence of and associations with papsak wine consumption amongst farm workers in the Western Cape Province, South Africa. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 2013; 74, 879–888.
  • Naidu CS, Zweigenthal V, Irlam J, London L, Keikelame J. An evaluation of UCT medical students’ community placements in South Africa. African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine 2013; 4(1): 1-7.
  • Peer N, Morojele N, London L.  Factors associated with contraceptive use in a rural area in Western Cape Province. S Afr Med J 2013; 103(6):406-12.





  • Katwan E, Adnams C, London L. Childhood behavioral and developmental disorders: association with maternal alcohol consumption in Cape Town, South Africa. S Afr Med J 2011; 101: 724-727.
  • Mpinga EK, London L, Chastonay P. Health and human rights: epistemological status and perspectives of development. Med Health Care Philos. 2011; 14(3):237-47.
  • Crede S, Sinanovic E, Adnams CA, London L. The Utilization of Health Care Services by Children with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome in the Western Cape, South Africa. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011; 115: 175–182.
  • Mwansa-Kambafilwe J, Rendall-Mkosi K, Jacobs R, Nel E, London L. Evaluation of a Service Provider Short Course for Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. JSAD 2011; 72(4): 530-5.
  • Mpinga EM, Verloo H, London L, Chastonay P. Health and Human Rights in scientific literature: A systematic review over a decade (1999-2008).  Health and Human Rights 2011; 13(2): 1-27.



  • Morojele NK, LondonL, Olorunju SA, Matjila J, Davids AS, Rendall-Mkosi KM. Predictors of Risk of Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies among Women in an Urban and a Rural Area of South Africa.  SocSci Med 2010;70: 534-42.
  • Ojo OA, Louwagie G, Morojele N, Rendall-Mkosi K, London L, Olorunju S, DavidsA. Factors associated with female high-risk drinking in a rural and an urban South African site. S Afr Med J. 2010 Mar 8;100(3):180-2.

Public Health Medicine


  • Shawa R, Coomans F, Cox H, London L. Access to effective treatment for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis: Deepening the Human Rights-based Approach. In (Eds: Jamrozik E., Selgelid M.J) Ethics and Drug-Resistant Infections: Collective Responsibility for Global Public Health. Springer, Cham: 2019 (in press).



  • London L. (2018). The Rights to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress for small farmers facing pesticides hazards. In: (Eds F Zolzer, G Meskens) Environmental Health Risks: Ethical aspects. Routledge: Oxford, pp 65-80.
  • London L. Health, human rights and ethics. In: Primary Health Care. Fresh Perspectives. Chapter 11, pp 265-307. Pearson/Prentice Hall, Pinelands, Cape Town, 2009; Updated for second edition as Chapter 12, in 2018



  • London L. (2016). Primary Care Research – how to put local priorities into a world led by global funding. In (Eds Goodyear-Smith F, Mash R). International Perspectives to Primary Care Research, pp103-107. CRC Press: Boca Raton.
  • Zweigenthal V, London L, Pick W. The contribution of specialist training programmes to the development of a public health workforce in South Africa. In Padarath A, King J, Mackie E, Casciola J, editors. South African Health Review 2016. Durban: Health Systems Trust; 2016. pp 45-60.


  • Padarath A, Sanders D, London L, Boulle T, Haricharan H, King J.  Community participation in the post-apartheid era: progress and challenges.  In: Eds Fryatt RJ, Andrews G, Matsoso MP. South Africa health reforms 2009 – 2014: Moving towards universal coverage. Juta, Cape Town, 2015: 224-243.
  • Levendal E, English R, Schneider H, London L, Haricharan H.  Health governance. In: Eds Fryatt RJ, Andrews G, Matsoso MP. South Africa health reforms 2009 – 2014: Moving towards universal coverage. Juta, Cape Town, 2015: 244-280.
  • London L, Macdonald H. (2015). Transnational excursions: The ethics of northern anthropological investigations going south. In (Eds Posel D, Ross F) Ethical Quandries in Social Research, pp 93-110. HSRC Press: Cape Town.



  • Stuttaford, M., Kiewiets, D., Nefdt, W., Reynolds, V., Rhodes, G., Sigasana, L. and London, L. (2014). Conceptualising Implementation of the Right to Health: the Learning Network for Health and Human Rights, Western Cape, South Africa. In M. Freeman, S. Hawkes and B. Bennett (Eds) Law and Global Health, Current Legal Issues, Volume 16, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2014, pp76-93. 



  • London L, Rubenstein L, Baldwin-Ragaven L. (2013). The problem of Dual Loyalty in Public Health. In (Eds: Grodin M, Tarantola D, Annas G, Gruskin S, Mann J). Health and Human Rights in a Changing World. Pp 322-323. Routledge: New York.



  • London L. Human rights: the relevance for South African health professionals. In: Moodley K (Ed), Medical Ethics, Law and Human Rights. Van Schaik, Cape Town, 2011; updated second edition 2017.



  • London L, Rubenstein L, Baldwin-Ragaven L. The problem of Dual Loyalty and role conflict in Public Health. In: Beracochea E, Weinstein C, Evans D (Eds), Rights-Based Approaches to Public Health. Springer. Chapter 7, pp 119-141, New York, 2010.
  • Meier BM, Gable L, Getgen JE, London L. Rights-Based Approaches to Public Health Systems.In: Beracochea E, Weinstein C, Evans D (Eds), Rights-Based Approaches to Public Health. Springer. Chapter 2, pp 19-30, New York, 2010.

Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Research


London L, Jørs E, Neupane D. Pesticide poisoning: A response to Eddleston. Environ Health Insights. 2019 Jan 27; 13: 1178630218825243.







  • London L, Kisting S. The Extractive Industries: Can We Find New Solutions to Seemingly Intractable Problems? New Solut 2016; 25:421-430.
  • Willems M, Dalvie MA, London L, Rother HA. Health Risk Perception Related to Fracking in the Karoo, South Africa. Environmental Practice 2016; 18: 1-16.
  • Lekei EE, Ngowi AV, London L. Under-reporting of acute pesticide poisoning in Tanzania: modelling results from two cross-sectional studies. Environ Health. 2016 Nov 29; 15 (1):118.



Burnhams NH, London L, Laubscher R, Nel E, Parry C. Results of a cluster randomised controlled trial to reduce risky use of alcohol, alcohol-related HIV risks and improve help-seeking behaviour among safety and security employees in the Western Cape, South Africa. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy. 2015 May 8;10(1):18.





Harker-Burnhams N, Musekiwa A, Parry C, London L. Do workplace substance abuse prevention programmes include a focus on substance-related HIV risk behaviors: A systematic review. African Journal of Drug and Alcohol Studies 2013; 12(1): 1-22.



London L, Beseler C, Bouchard MFBellinger DC,Colosio C, Grandjean P, Harari R, Kootbodien T, Kromhout H, Little F, Meijster T, Moretto A, Rohlman DS,Stallones L. Neurobehavioural and neurodevelopmental effects of pesticide exposures. Neurotoxicology 2012; 33: 887–896.



  • London L. Human Rights and Health: Opportunities to Advance Rural Occupational Health. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 2011;17:80–92.
  • Dalvie MA, Naik I, Channa K, London L. Urinary dialkyl phosphate levels before and after first season chlorpyrifos spraying amongst farm workers in the Western Cape, South Africa. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B2011; 46: 163-72.
  • Naidoo S, London L, Burdorf A, Naidoo RN, Kromhout H.  Spontaneous miscarriages and infant deaths among female farmers in rural South Africa. Scand J Work Envir Health.2011;37(3):227–236.
  • Ewert EG, Baldwin-Ragaven L, London L. Training Trainers in Health and Human Rights: Implementing curriculum change in South African health sciences institutions. BMC Medical Education 2011, 11:47.
  • London L, Manjra S. Employability and HIV infection: Can the military claim to be an exception? Int J OccEnvir Health 2011; 17: 352–360.
  • Naidoo S, London L, Budorf A, Naidoo R, Kromhout H. Occupational activities and a reported history of Malaria among women working in small-scale agriculture in South Africa. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 2011; 85:805-810.
  • Holtman Z, London L, Flisher A. Suicide in a poor rural community in the Western Cape, South Africa: experiences of five suicide attempters and their families. South African Journal of Psychology, Volume 41(3), September 2011; 41(3): 300-309.




Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health Research


  • London L, Willems M. Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Extraction: Public Health Challenges for South Africa. In: (Eds Glazewski J, Esterhuyse S.) Proposed Hydraulic Fracturing in the Karoo: Critical Legal And Environmental Perspectives. Pp 323-344. Cape Town: Juta and Co 2016.
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  • London L.  Worker Health and Safety, International Issues. pp 617-625, in Heggenhougen and Quah: International Encyclopedia of Public Health (2008), Volume 6, Academic Press, San Diego; updated in 2016 as London, L., Kisting, S., 2017. Worker Health and Safety: International Issues. In: Quah, S.R. and Cockerham, W.C. (eds.) The International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd edition. vol. 7, pp. 444–452. Oxford: Academic Press.



London L, Joshi TK, Cairncross E and Claudio L. (2011). Environmental Justice: an international perspective. In: Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, volume 2, pp. 441–448 Burlington: Elsevier. Updated 2018 as London L, Joshi TK, Cairncross E, Gilmore J, Claudio L (2018; in press) Environmental Justice: an international perspective. In: Nriagu JO (ed.) Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Burlington: Elsevier.
