Division of Environmental Health sheds light on health risks associated with pesticides in Khayelitsha, Site B
On 15 November 2019 MPH student, Maxine Brassell, from the Division of Environmental Health was given the opportunity to share the health risks associated with pesticides at the City of Cape Town Chemical Safety Mini Launch. The launch was focused on Early Childhood Development Centres in Site B, Khayelitsha and aimed at educating creche owners and pre-primary school teachers and principals on chemical safety and the specific risks for children when they are exposed to chemicals such as street pesticides. The main messages discussed centred around understanding how to read a pesticide label, understanding the toxicity of chemicals, understanding the difference between legal and illegal pesticides and alternatives that can be used instead of pesticides.
MPH student, Maxine Brassel, with the attendees of the launch, each with a Poisons Information Helpline poster given to them by the Division of Environmental Health