With respect to renal imaging, ultrasound forms the initial non-invasive imaging modality for evaluation of the urinary tract and forms a large part of the basic investigations for patients presenting with suspected urological pathology.
Interventional procedures such as nephrostomies and DJ stents make up part of the daily work list in our interventional suite as well as more complicated procedures such as embolizations in patients with renal trauma or bleeding secondary to renal malignancy.
A weekly, combined urology meeting is held every Monday afternoon at 16h30 to discuss complex urological cases including oncological cases and radiological interventions. The meeting is led by Dr. Kristin Lorenc-Henning and overseen by Dr. Sulaiman Moosa, with case presentations by senior radiology registrars.
Recently the department of radiology has included prostate artery embolization for benign prostatic hypertrophy as part of the interventional procedures offered to the hospital.