The Department of Radiology (Groote Schuur Hospital) is an academic teaching and training department responsible for diagnostic imaging and image-guided procedures which strives to provide diagnostic support to clinicians, regional hospitals and the community.

Through our advanced imaging techniques and various imaging modalities we offer a 'peak' into the world and processes within the human body in order to assist with diagnosis and contribute to the best possible and appropriate clinical outcomes.

Almost every field of medicine today relies on imaging studies in order to assist clinicians with improved diagnostic and clinical support and patients with optimal clinical outcomes. Over the last few decades Radiology has profoundly impacted patient management with advanced imaging technologies making diagnosis of disease and pathologies more accurate and expeditious.

Our imaging modalities allow us to explore a vast world of multidisciplinary pathology assisting clinicians in a variety of disciplines from Oncology, Orthopaedics, ENT to Paediatrics and Neurology, to name just a few.

We assist in appropriate, clinically-indicated imaging investigations as well as offer minimally-invasive procedures ranging from biopsies to more complex hepatobiliary, genitourinary and vascular procedures being mindful of radiation doses and over imaging.

Our academic program hosts specialists in training from South Africa as well as from neighbouring African countries.