Professor Jackie Hoare

Associate Professor and Head of Division

MBChB UCT, MRC(Psych) FC(Psych) SA, MPhil (Neuropsychiatry) UCT

Head of Division: Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
Jackie Hoare, is a neuropsychiatrist, Professor at the University of Cape Town, Head of the Division of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry UCT, research scientist, and co-director of the UCT HIV Mental Health unit, as well as a senior consultant psychiatrist at Groote Schuur Hospital in Cape Town South Africa. Her clinical work includes treating mental illness, neurocognitive disorders and adherence in adolescents and adults with chronic illness. She has significant clinical experience in managing the mental health consequences of COVID-19, including working in frontline COVID-19 teams and supporting frontline healthcare workers.

She has been the Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator of a number of NIH USA federal funded research projects in South Africa focused on mental health, neurocognitive disorders, neuroimaging, epigenetics and developing adherence interventions in adolescents living with HIV.  She also -founded and chairs the Adolescent Clinicians Group and Better Together Adolescent service at Groote Schuur Hospital.