International day for Older Persons event

14 Oct 2019
14 Oct 2019

This year’s International Day for Older Persons – 1st of October 2019 - was celebrated by the University of Cape Town’s Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health Social Responsiveness Committee and the Division of Neuropsychiatry. This day was first observed in 1991 and was established to raise awareness about issues facing the elderly, as well to appreciate the contribution that older persons make to society.

We were thrilled to host high calibre speakers (Professor Dana Niehaus; Mrs Karen Borochowitz and Mrs Terri Casper) who covered a range of topics including: elder abuse; coping with a loved one’s journey with Alzheimer’s and the compassionate and creative management of behavioural symptoms associated with dementia. The morning was well-supported by individuals working in the field of old age and prominent NGOs (DementiaSA; Alzheimer’s SA and Age-in-Action), who continue to work tirelessly in this vulnerable and underserved population. 

Below are images from the event