South African Human Rights Commission report on Mental Health

19 Apr 2019
19 Apr 2019

The South African Human Rights Commission recently released its report on the status of mental care in South Africa. The findings are crucially important in emphasising how much is needed from all of us to further improve mental health services in the country.

Prof Dan Stein, head of the Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health gave a particular thanks and congratulations to Katherine Sorsdahl, who served as an External Panellist, and John Parker, who on the release day gave a passionate plea that the report be read and heard.

Prof Stein expressed the hope that the report would serve as both evidence and inspiration for the endeavours of the Department moving forward.

Report of the National Investigative hearing into the status of mental health care in South Africa.

Reflections on the South African Human Rights Commission Report of the National Investigative Hearings into the Status of Mental Health Care in South Africa