Epidemiology Book Launch

UCT authors feature prominently in the 3rd edition of Epidemiology. A Research Manual for South Africa (Oxford University Press) which was launched at the Health Sciences Faculty on October 17 2014. This widely used textbook, edited by Professor Rodney Ehrlich of the School of Public Health and Family Medicine, UCT, and Professor Gina Joubert of the University of the Free State, draws on the expertise of authors from seven South African universities and the Medical Research Council and goes back 23 years to its earliest edition as a Medical Research Council manual.

Professors Rodney Ehrlich and Gina Joubert
The book introduces undergraduate and postgraduate health science students to the process of research and the principles and application of epidemiology in public health and clinical medicine. It is unique in its focus on South African problems and examples, thereby encouraging readers to view research as answering immediate and relevant questions.