HPALS Weekly Research Seminar

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Events of 2025


HPALS Weekly Research Seminar

Friday 10h45 (UTC/GMT +2)

Sport Science Institute of South Africa, Boundary Road, Newlands, South Africa

Online links will also be made known when available





31 January Associate Prof Dale Rae Wearables and sleep: the potential for orthosomna  More info..
07 February Professor Malcolm Collins Are commercial genetic exercise-associated musculoskeletal tissue injury tests premature?  More info...
14 February Associate Prof Yumna Albertus Innovative Biomechanics Research and Technology Development from Africa: Advancing Clinical and Athletic Applications  More info...
21 February Associate Prof Janetta Harbron Genetic testing to personalize dietary recommendations for prevention or treatment of obesity and non-communicable diseases?  More info...
28 February Doctor Tanja Oosthuyse Easing the physiological load of competitive endurance cycling with protein ingestion during exercise  More info...
14 March Associate Prof Fredirick Mashili

From peak performance to illness: Exploring the physiological state spectrum and its implication for NCD prevention, control, and rehabilitation

 More info...