CILT and ICTS are involved in a pilot project to investigate the technology process and use of lecture capture in 16 venues across UCT since 2011. Lecture recording is the process of recording a lecture to allow students to play back all or part of the lecture later as a review or self-study resource. For a brief introduction, see 7 Things You Should Know About Lecture Capture from the Educause Learning Initiative.

The number of venues at Health Sciences (including Red Cross and Valkenberg Hospitals) equipped with lecture capturing capabilities grew from two to  eight. Staff teaching in these venues are approached individually for consent to have their lectures recorded. Most staff in second and third year MBChB have given consent and are recorded. 
Lecture recording is not a replacement for face-to-face teaching or interaction with students, but can be an important supplementary resource. Students benefit by being able to:

  1. Pay closer attention during the lecture (freed from detailed note-taking).
  2. Review content in their own time, in their own location and with their peers.
  3. Catch up on missed lectures.
  4. Improve understanding of the material.
  5. Provide richer content and improved access to content for students with disabilities.

At UCT, the lecture recording service is limited to a number of venues, managed and supported by CILT and ICTS. Please click here for the list of supported venues.

To get your lecture recorded please download the applicable form:

You will need to provide the schedule and venue of your lectures, and you will be able to choose to whom you would like the recordings made available.

Once all the presenters have signed the consent form, please scan and email the completed form to, at least 2 working days in advance of the first lecture or event.

You will be sent an email confirming receipt and scheduling of the lectures and information regarding the equipment installed in the specified venue.

What does the recording look like? Here is a recording from a lecture series recorded in Humanities Lecture Theatre 1. As these lectures have been made public, you can play back the lecture by clicking on the video below.

Note that while the camera view can be expanded to fill the screen on playback, in some venues it may not be possible to clearly read writing on the blackboards. For the full capabilities of the recorded lecture, click here.

Video Recording

The EduTech Division recognises the value of videos as a teaching tool, in particular video clips can we used to replay sequences, drawing attention to details some students may have missed, or where the interpretation differed among students. Audio-visual material can greatly facilitate teaching and learning by stimulating active learner participation in interpretation and analysis of real or simulated activities. 

The Division therefore does offer a video recording service if certain conditions are met. In particular if the material will be used in teaching and learning. In some instances a small fee will also be levied which goes towards offsetting the cost of acquiring the camera and equipment.

Keep in mind that video recording in different venues has a number of challenges, in particular lighting, sound and being able to accurately capture any interaction which happens. Recording in a studio would allow more control over the environment – i.e. lighting and sound which will result in a recording of quality which should satisfy most lecturers and users. Unfortunately this is not always possible and in addition the only studio easily available to UCT staff is situated at the Baxter Theatre which offers this as a service. 

If you need any advice regarding video recording or would like more information please contact