Call for Abstracts for Africa-focussed Biomechanics Session at WCB 2018 in Dublin

28 Oct 2017
28 Oct 2017


Call for Abstracts

Integration of Global Health and Biomechanics: Addressing the Challenges in Africa

Session in Emerging Areas Track
8th World Congress of Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland, July 8-12, 2018

In addition to providing a forum for research in biomechanics that addresses health and healthcare challenges in Africa, this session aims at contributing to the increase of sustainable capacity in biomechanics on the African continent. Contributions can range from basic to clinical research, from molecular to organ and systems scale, and from musculoskeletal and neurological conditions to cardiovascular diseases, cancers and infectious diseases.

Deadline: 19 Dec 2017 | Submission | Download call

The World Congress of Biomechanics is held once every four years and is the premier meeting worldwide in biomechanics – a veritable “Olympiad of Biomechanics”. The congress will take place in the Convention Centre Dublin, Ireland’s international conference venue situated in the very heart of Dublin city, the capital city of the beautiful country of Ireland.

Abstracts need to be submitted using the web-based submissions system via not later than Dec 19, 2017). For the abstract submission, you will find this session under the “Emerging Areas” track. All abstracts will undergo peer-review and may be presented as podium presentation or poster. Please note that the organizers have limited the number of presentations (oral or poster) of a single presenter to two. Registration of the presenter for the Congress is required for the abstract to be included in the final program, and costs for traveling or registration cannot be covered.

We look forward to seeing you at the WCB in Dublin next year.

Thomas Franz and Muhammad Zaman

Thomas Franz, PhD
Professor for Biomedical Engineering
Department of Human Biology
University of Cape Town
South Africa
Tel.: +27 (21) 650 1795

Muhammad H Zaman, PhD
Professor for Biomedical Engineering & HHMI Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Boston University
Tel.: +1 (617) 358 5881