Farewell to outgoing HOD and Welcome to new HOD and Director of the School

Prof Mohamed Jeebhay, Head of Division of Occupational Medicine and Assoc Prof Theresa Burgess, Assistant Dean for Post-graduate Education in the Faculty, extended a special thank you message on behalf of the School and Deanery respectively for his contributions to the School, Faculty and the University community. Prof Myer will continue in his role as Head of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Division in the School.
Prof Myer used this as an opportunity to also thank all staff and students for their contributions in working with him towards making the School a highly successful and socially engaged academic department and to welcome the new Head of Department, Assoc Prof Susan Cleary as she commences her 5 year term and wished her well in this new role.
In attendance at the event were five “generations” of HODs, Emeritus Prof Rodney Ehrlich, Profs Leslie London, Mohamed Jeebhay, Landon Myer and Susan Cleary.