MPH Environmental health students conduct Pesticide Risk Management training in the Northern Cape

08 Nov 2019
08 Nov 2019

Two MPH students from the Division of Environmental Health, Maxine Brassell and Tatum Louw, conducted Pesticide Risk Management training on the 31st October 2019 in the Northern Cape Province as part of the annual Municipal Health Services Summit held in the Gamagara Local Municipality. The aim of the training was to equip Environmental Health Practitioners on the health risks associated with street pesticides, community training and education on pesticide risks, alternative options to pesticides and using pesticides as a last resort. One of the summit organisers, Mr Motlatla from the Northern Cape Department of Health had the following to say about the training;

I hope this will not be a once-of relationship between your institution and our province, let it be a continuous engagement even on other aspect of health and environment…“We really had such a wonderful interactive training that was an eye opener to all EHP`s who attended

Tatum Louw (left) and Maxine Brassell (below) presenting sessions in the training