Research: Antigen-specific B cells direct T follicular-like helper cells into lymphoid follicles to mediate Mycobacterium tuberculosis control

05 May 2023
Antigen B cells T follicar like MTB
05 May 2023

SATVI researchers Professor Tom Scriba and Dr Stanley Kimbung Mbandi co-authored: "Antigen-specific B cells direct T follicular-like helper cells into lymphoid follicles to mediate Mycobacterium tuberculosis control" in Nature Immunology.

Antigen-specific B cells direct T follicular-like helper cells into lymphoid follicles to mediate Mycobacterium tuberculosis control
Source: swanson et al., 2023. Nature Immunology.


Tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), is a global cause of death. Granuloma-associated lymphoid tissue (GrALT) correlates with protection during TB, but the mechanisms of protection are not understood. During TB, the transcription factor IRF4 in T cells but not B cells is required for the generation of the TH1 and TH17 subsets of helper T cells and follicular helper T (TFH)-like cellular responses. A population of IRF4+ T cells coexpress the transcription factor BCL6 during Mtb infection, and deletion of Bcl6 (Bcl6fl/fl) in CD4+ T cells (CD4cre) resulted in reduction of TFH-like cells, impaired localization within GrALT and increased Mtb burden. In contrast, the absence of germinal center B cells, MHC class II expression on B cells, antibody-producing plasma cells or interleukin-10-expressing B cells, did not increase Mtb susceptibility. Indeed, antigen-specific B cells enhance cytokine production and strategically localize TFH-like cells within GrALT via interactions between programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) and its ligand PD-L1 and mediate Mtb control in both mice and macaques. 

Swanson RV, Gupta A, Foreman TW, Lu L, Choreno-Parra JA, Mbandi SK, Rosa BA, Akter S, Das S, Ahmed M, Garcia-Hernandez ML, Singh DK, Esaulova E, Artyomov MN, Gommerman J, Mehra S, Zuniga J, Mitreva M, Scriba TJ, Rangel-Moreno J, Kaushal D, Khader SA. Antigen-specific B cells direct T follicular-like helper cells into lymphoid follicles to mediate Mycobacterium tuberculosis control. Nature Immunology, 24(5):855-868. Click here.