Population pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole during pregnancy

08 Jun 2022
08 Jun 2022

In a publication titled, “Population pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole in patients with preterm

preeclampsia” in British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, we used data from pregnant patients pooled with data from non-pregnant participants to investigate the population pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole during pregnancy. We show that due to pregnancy-hormone related changes in metabolizing enzymes, clearance is lower in pregnancy compared to non-pregnant after single dose. This has implications for the pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole during pregnancy in that we expect that the nonlinearity in esomeprazole pharmacokinetics with repeated dosing and with dose increases would be expected to be less in pregnancy.  We hope that our work could inform study design for future clinical trials involving preeclampsia, for which esomeprazole is being investigated.

The publication can be found here.