National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) Training Evaluation

27 Aug 2024
Globe with African continent
27 Aug 2024

Since January 2022, the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group (NITAG) has conducted comprehensive training workshops to enhance knowledge of NITAG functions, basic vaccinology, and capacity to develop evidence-based decisions for vaccines and immunization. Partners involved in the workshops included the World Health Organization, African Regional and Eastern Mediterranean Regional Offices, CDC, Task Force for Global Health, NISH Support Hub, and Global Health Development/The Eastern Mediterranean Public Health Network.

Between January 2022 and August 2023, 12 NITAG workshops were conducted, involving 28 countries in WHO AFR and EMR. The workshops covered topics such as global EPI and current country EPI and NITAG situations, basic NITAG functions, Vaccinology, the Evidence-to-Recommendation (EtR) approach to developing evidence-based vaccine recommendations, and other sessions upon country request.

Evaluations of participants' ratings showed strong positive ratings for each component. An in-depth evaluation survey of selected countries was conducted to assess the midterm impact of the workshops and guide improvements in training materials and approach for future NITAG trainings.

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