Call for FHS 2025 Postdoctoral Fellowship - UCT-Registered Candidates only

The University of Cape Town’s Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) invites applications for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in the following areas:
- Cardiac research (ring-fenced funds are available for cardiac research)
- Cancer research (ring-fenced funds are available for cancer research)
- Open category: any research area in the Faculty of Health Sciences
Applicants should not be registered for study towards any degree or for a postdoctoral position elsewhere at the time of assuming the fellowship. Strong emphasis will be placed on the merit of the applicant and the quality of the research proposal. Applications for projects hosted in under-resourced research groupings are encouraged.
Applicants should submit a research proposal developed with a suitable scientific host employed in the Faculty of Health Sciences and if awarded the fellowship should be registered in the Faculty of Health Sciences. For information on the Faculty of Health Sciences and its research activities, see
The following conditions apply:
- Applicants who were awarded their PhD degree no earlier than December 2020 are eligible.
- Applicants who have not yet obtained their PhD but have official proof that their PhD thesis has been examined and approved by the submission deadline of 12 November 2024 are eligible.
- Only one application may be submitted per individual.
- Preference may be given to South African citizens.
- Applicants may not have held any previous professional or comprehensive academic posts.
- Successful candidates will be expected to spend most of their time undertaking the proposed research but may be required to participate in limited teaching duties as part of professional development.
- Successful candidates will not be expected to perform any service to the host department in return for the Fellowship.
- Fellowships are awarded for one year. Applications for renewal for one further year will be considered, subject to sufficient progress from the previous year’s award and in competition with new applications.
- The Faculty Postdoctoral Research Fellowship may be held concurrently with another formal research fellowship and/or supplementary grant provided 1) this does not contravene the other funders’ policies, and 2) the combined total funding does not exceed UCT’s capped value for postdoctoral research fellowships. This value changes annually and can be confirmed by UCT’s Postgraduate Funding Office.
- The Fellowship must be taken up by end of February 2025.
- Fellows will be required to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Cape Town, and a Memorandum of Understanding with their research host.
- Fellows will be required to comply with the University of Cape Town’s approved policies, procedures, and practices for the postdoctoral sector.
There are no fringe benefits, thus, the successful candidate is responsible for his or her own medical aid and insurance arrangements. Tax-free status will be arranged with the South African Revenue Service.
An application form is attached. Enquiries and completed applications should be addressed to:
Precious Nobongoza via email
The University of Cape Town reserves the right to: disqualify ineligible, incomplete and/or inappropriate applications; change the conditions of award or to make no awards at all.