Trauma Care
Assessing the evaluation, treatment options and socioeconomic impact of gunshot injuries, as we are faced with a high burden of gunshot wounds in our local population leading to skeletal trauma.Collaborators
Prof S Maqungo (Project Coordinator)
Prof S Roche (Shoulder Surgeon)
Dr G McCollum (Foot Surgeon)
Prof A Nicol (Trauma Surgery UCT)
Dr P Navsaria (Trauma Surgery UCT)
Prof M Held
Prof M Keel (University of Bern)
Generalized Osteoporosis and Geriatric Orthopaedics
Improving orthopaedic care for elderly patients, who are one of the most vulnerable groups in our society. As a part of this research, we are assessing the prevention, treatment, and outcome of hip fractures - one of the most costly injuries in our hospitals.
Prof S Maqungo (Project Coordinator)
Assoc Prof I Ross (Endocrinology UCT)
Prof Kalla (Rheumatology)
Assoc Prof Sipho Dlamini (Infectious Diseases)
Dr Sebastiana Kalula (Geriatric Medicine)
Dr NJ Kauta (Orthopaedics)
Prof M Held
Sports Orthopaedic Service
Assessing the incidence of sports injuries in schools and universities, through a surveillance system, improving the efficiency of care and service for patients with sports injuries in public hospitals.
Prof Held - (Project Coordinator)
Prof Roche (Shoulders)
Dr Von Bormann (Knees)
Dr Hobbs (Knees)
Dr McCollum (Foot and Ankle)
Dr Posthumus (Excercise Science and Sports Medicine)
Efficiency & Systems
Modifying orthopaedic outcome in AFRICA
Increasing the efficiency of our patient management and measuring the outcome of orthopaedic patients accurately. Our focus is to improve the waiting lists for our patients, referral pathways, data management in our hospitals, direct patient input in our service and design outcome measures for our patients.
Prof Held
Prof. Dunn (Spine)
Prof. Roche (Shoulders)
Dr Von Bormann (Knees)
Dr Maqungo (Trauma)
Dr Nortje (Hip/Knee arthroplasty UCT)
In our Spinal TB X cohort ( NCT05610098), we aim to describe the clinical phenotype of STB using whole-body 18 F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography computed tomography (PET/CT) and to identify a specific gene expression profile for the different stages of dissemination. A blood-based test for STB would lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment in all settings globally and improve treatment outcome of this devastating disease.
Dr Julian Scherer, MD (Study coordinator, Study Doctor, PhD Candidate)
Prof Friedrich Thienemann (PI)
Prof Held (Co-PI)
Prof Laubscher (Adolescent Orthopaedic Care)
Mrs Nosipho Mncwabe (Research Nurse)
Robert Dunn
Sandra Mukasa, Karen Wolmarans, Reto Guler, Tessa Kotze, Taeksun Song, Ferdinand Oompie
Musculoskeletal TB Infections
Assessing novel ways to improve the diagnosis and diagnostic accuracy of musculoskeletal TB infections. Our focus is on automated nucleic acid amplification tests and the radiological assessment in TB patients.
Prof Dunn (Project Coordinator)
Prof Held (Orthopaedic Research Unit)
Prof Laubscher (Adolescent Orthopaedic Care)
Dr Zar (Child Health, Red Cross Hospital)
Dr Dix-Peek (Pediatric Orthopaedic Unit, UCT)
Dr Candy (Radiology Groote Schuur Hospital)
Prof Thienemann (Institute of Infectious Disease)
Dr Robyn Waters (Orthopaedic Research Unit)
Mrs Nosipho Mncwabe (Research Nurse)
Ms Nomsa Yekiso (Research Nurse)
Dr Julian Scherer (Orthopaedic Research Unit)
HOST study
HIV in Orthopaedic Skeletal Trauma
Assessing TB/HIV coinfections, HIV in orthopaedic Trauma and HIV in acute and chronic musculoskeletal infections. The rate of HIV infections amongst the orthopaedic patients we treat is one of the highest in the world and influences the care of orthopaedic pathologies.
Prof S Graham (Project Coordinator & PHD)
Prof S Maqungo (PI)
Assoc Prof Laubscher (Collaborator)
Prof M Held (Collaborator)
Prof Lalloo (Collaborator/Supervisor)
Prof Simpson (Collaborator/Supervisor)
Prof Harrison (Collaborator/Supervisor)
Prof Nando Ferreira (Collaborator)
Mrs Nosipho Mncwabe (Research Nurse)
Ms Nomsa Yekiso (Research Nurse)
Biomedical Engineering Laboratory
Creating a collaborative space for MMed and MSc students to work on orthopaedic-surgery-related projects and creating frugal innovations with local relevance, focusing on design work and 3D printing.
Prof. Roche (Project Coordinator)
Dr. Sivarasu (Biomechanics UCT)
Dr Hosking
Dr Roopam Dey
Anything Goes
Any creative innovation advancing orthopaedics in our hospitals and beyond will be supported once our team feels it is of benefit.
Dr McCollum (Project Coordinator)
Dr Solomons, Dr. Roussot, Dr. Roche
Bertha Institute (Inclusive Health Innovations)
Department of the Western Cape (Health)
IT University of Cape Town
Department of ENT - Groote Schuur Hospital
Department of Ophthalmology - Groote Schuur