The NISH EIDM Fundamentals for Immunisation Advisors (Online) course provides training in theoretical and practical skills in evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM). Participants will learn how to conduct systematic reviews of evidence and use appraisal tools, enabling them to apply a scientific process to vaccination and immunisation evidence and decision-making. Through the online format of this course, participants will also learn how to adopt and best utilise e-tools and e-resources in their work.

The course was developed in collaboration with Cochrane South Africa.

Course content

The course comprises these modules:

  • Module 1: Foundational EIDM for NITAGs
  • Module 2: Evidence quality rating 
  • Module 3: Case studies in EIDM for vaccines and immunisation

Each module comprises lecture recordings and a knowledge assessment.


The course is still under development.